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Outlook Unable to Receive POP3 Messages

All, I' ve ran into this situation once before (outlook 2013/Pop3) but eventually the issue went away either with updates or some other unknown reason. I have W7 with Outlook 2007 client running a POP3 account. Sometimes when Forticlient is enabled POP3 mail does not connect. If I reboot the machine everything works normally but eventually POP3 mail will stop connecting. I can disable Forticlient and everything works normally until Forticlient is enabled again. I' ve tried adjusting the comforting settings in the Forticlient config. This did nothing to resolve the issue. Any ideas? Anyone run into this issue? Thanks

@3pointD, There is a new FortiProxy.exe here (it goes with b609). Do you want to try it? You probably need to install b609 first, then shutdown FortiClient, then run command line " sc stop fortishield" , then replace FortiProxy.exe.

@3pointD, Is your email server Sendmail or Exchange? Does it require any secure connection?
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Hi Chris Email server is older Visnetic Mail Server (basically original version of Icewarp). No the server does not require any secure connection. This is just a random issue that I' ve encountered after starting to incorporate FortiClient on my workstations. These are all internal on the same subnet as the mail server. I' ll try and do some testing with the FortiProxy you mentioned and see what happens. Thanks!

Sorry 3pointD. They removed that shared file and mentioned needed more fix. Will keep you posted.
Chris_Lin_FTNT has FortiProxy that is good for

Hey Chris, Just wanted to let you know that I swapped out the Fortiproxy and encountered the same results. I' m examining the transmission logs on both the server and client. Server side everything looks normal. In the Outlook OPMLog everything looks fine until the end. Even the contents of the message shows up there yet the final result is error 0x800CCC90 which is bs because the server ended the session as if all was well. It must be how the connection is being handled through the Forticlient. I' m assuming this issue hasn' t come up since most people don' t use POP3 much any more. I' m going to see if I can get a ticket open and get this addressed.

Thanks 3pointD. Could you share your log with me? How long did it take for this to happen? Like in one hour? After receiving 100 e-mails?

Logs are attached. It is immediate. If there is a single message in the server inbox Outlook errors out with 0x800CCC90. If I remove the message Outlook does not complain. Also if I leave the message on the server and disable the proxy the message comes down just fine. We' re talking about a single basic message with no attachment.
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Is this has been fixed yet?


We have the same problem and we want it fixed


We just bough 4x brand new fortigate for all my location.


Can 3pointD and his research use my 1year support/service tag from my fortigates?


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