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New prices in Euroe ???

Is that really true !!!! Is Fortigate changing in Europe their pricesystem ??? I heard about a massive increase of their prices! may someone knows more about it? kr Oberon
Private Use: Fortigate-50B, 4.00-MR3, NAT/IPsec-VPN/SSL-VPN
Private Use: Fortigate-50B, 4.00-MR3, NAT/IPsec-VPN/SSL-VPN
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hello, yes, that' s true. I also heared about it. someone from fortinet visits my company and told me about the new pricing system. antivirus, IPS, URL-flitering must be licensed indepentently. as far as I know, also the pricing for the fortimanager will be changed... maybe someone from fortinet can say anything about it... regards
New Contributor

I mean, I don' t mind that they change their licensing system. I also woudn' t mind when prices increase around 10%-20% (that' s business). But in my calculation with a Fortigate-200A is it up to 300% more than for the same I have to pay now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If this is right, is this relation sick. Calculated with the same services: Now 1 year Forticare for a FG-200A, ~ € 488.-- after June05, 1 year Forticare for a FG-200A, ~ € 1645.-- I will buy now 1 year forticare subscrition with the old prices and then I will see... Many things can happen in one year! ;-) kr Oberon
Private Use: Fortigate-50B, 4.00-MR3, NAT/IPsec-VPN/SSL-VPN
Private Use: Fortigate-50B, 4.00-MR3, NAT/IPsec-VPN/SSL-VPN
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trust me, you don' t realy want to know about the new price system. you' ll get sick about it!!! increase of the price for the same services as with the " old" forticare is something between 200 - 400% (sometimes less...sometimes more) if fortinet stays whith this price policy we will stop working with this product asap. i' m very very angry and very very disappointed
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No I dont think so. You see fortigate will have to deal with SonicWall, netask and so on. I dont think its good idea to increase prising. Fortigate owns it success to the fair and simple prising. Just wait... I think all will be the same.
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Since Anti-Spam was pay to use, it wasn' t much of a surpise to find out that Anti-Virus and Intrusion Detection and now pay to use. Or I should really say pay to get " any" updates. What is next pay to get firmware updates, but of course why not ? Well they surley can do what they want, it' s a free market place, but I certainly did not expect a 100% increase in price to get AV & IPS that was included prior to June 1st. My yearly cost to subscribe is more than the cost of unit. Very bad PR move guys. I for one will be looking at other products such as from Sonic Wall. I am told they are not as expensive as Fortinet. It' s too bad because I' d like to stay loyal to this company but the ransom they are demanding to get definition updates is going to far. I can see charging the big boys who purchase the high end units, they obviously have an IT budget, but for small companys who just need a FGT-50 or 60, where there is no IT budget, this is just crazy. This appliance was sold to me as a cost savings and overhead reduction and I could see that BUT, for a small company with say 10 or 15 computers on a network and perhaps a mail server, it' s cheaper to use their existing Anti-Virus & AntiSpam tools.
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Yes it is true (and sad) Prices change in Europe from July 1st. Units now will become alot more expensive (30% up) Support now is different. There are options for AV, IDP, AS, WEB and maintenece in different options.
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Expect increases in the US as well. Just renewed contracts for our equipment last week. We will be evaluating alternatives this summer.
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Well it' s plain and simpel: if you want to buy a unit with AV & IDP prices are up between 45% to almost 80% compared to old prices.[:' (] if you want to renew your maintenance (and want to stay using AV & IDP) prices are x2.5 the old prices where maintenance inlcuding AV&IDP was about 20% of the appliance price, now it is almost 60% outrageous & shortsighted? probably. I know it will stop a lot of our customers to renew their subscription and it will not make it any easier to sell to prospects (Fortinet still doesn' t have the general acceptance like e.g. Netscreen or Cisco ~ who btw have released a nice new system with the ASA5000 ~ at good prices :) So my question to Fortinet: why not ' give away' the appliances (let' s say a price decrease of at least 50% ~ now the prices of the appliance was also increased by 10%) and concentrate on selling the FortiGuard services at reasonable prices, and also MARKET IT THAT WAY! Low prices for the boxes would allow easy penetration within a new customer base. Upselling the services would be the real challenge (and far more easier than today with these new prices). My 2 cents. PS: the above is not applicable to the FG60 where there is actually a price decrease
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I agree....Am I the only one who was sorely disappointed to see the total costs of support., AV and NIDS double? No warning. Now I have to explain to all of my cutomers that want to renew that the cost of one year renewal has almost matched the cost of the firewall itself. That' s real real poor. I for one will be evaluating other products to see if I can find one that hasn' t pulled the bait and switch yet.

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