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NAT rule issue with my Fortinet 60C

Hi All, I configured a Fortigate 60C. This one connected to Broadband Modem to get internet connection thru WAN1 port. From internet I could accessed to Firewall Web-Console thru Wan1 interface with using NAT rule in modem but couldn' t get in a PC inside LAN network. Had setup Virtual IP and Policy as followed a lot internet searching and advising. Any idea to help me out with this issue? Thanks a lot. Note: - Policy already allowed any from WAN to Internet with ALL Accept. - Virtual IP rule has pointed to Destination IP LAN. - Standing at Modem can' t ping to PC inside LAN (I don' t know how to setup ping policy can go thru). Thanks.
New Contributor

Just wanna confirm that I have solved that issue by open another DMZ connection as suggested. Sorry for the late reply and thank you.
New Contributor

Just wanna confirm that I have solved that issue by open another DMZ connection as suggested. Sorry for the late reply and thank you.
New Contributor

Just wanna confirm that I have solved that issue by open another DMZ connection as suggested. Sorry for the late reply and thank you.

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