hi emnoc
There was no specifics in the log no IP no cause for error just a generic NAT port is exhausted message over and over again
Here are my router stats
get system performance status
CPU states: 0% user 4% system 0% nice 96% idle
Memory states: 26% used
Average network usage: 11319 kbps in 1 minute, 12139 kbps in 10 minutes, 10791 kbps in 30 minutes
Average sessions: 11120 sessions in 1 minute, 10881 sessions in 10 minutes, 10590 sessions in 30 minutes
Virus caught: 0 total in 1 minute
IPS attacks blocked: 0 total in 1 minute
Uptime: 3 days, 21 hours, 13 minutes
diag firewall statistic show
getting traffic statistics...
Browsing: 159874318 packets, 103933564323 bytes
DNS: 366939049170042880 packets, 1722376374976512 bytes
E-Mail: 219530405 packets, 23376 bytes
FTP: 4200478015488 packets, 237623360618496 bytes
Gaming: 2799 packets, 234982 bytes
IM: 171798691840 packets, 858877495083008 bytes
Newsgroups: 81345982 packets, 2486 bytes
P2P: 0 packets, 0 bytes
Streaming: 5828 packets, 480514 bytes
TFTP: 5117227935731810304 packets, 1714876790847045641 bytes
VoIP: 102645877505 packets, 4992585 bytes
Generic TCP: 189906273959936 packets, 12757036416630784 bytes
Generic UDP: 0 packets, 0 bytes
Generic ICMP: 0 packets, 0 bytes
Generic IP: 0 packets, 0 bytes
I think you hit it when you said
" can you disable local DNS from the firewall temporary ( e.g
I had a problem on some 100A that was caused by all of the DNS lookups that it was trying todo )"
but why is it doing all kind of lookups with the opendns one and not the isp one?
How did you find out it was DNS when you had the problem?
Very good tips on troubleshooting i will try each one
how do i download the output of get sys session list? it pauses when i use it so i grep the output
Have to look into cacti but i must turn on snmp right? What can i do with the syslog output? which is easier nagios or cacti?
Seems like im still not maxing out the 300A at 100 users and 25K sessions during peak
I Live to Solve