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Multiple WAN inputs

Please forgive me if I’m in the wrong place. We have a Fortigate 100D. We’re utilizing both WAN ports, 1 for Web traffic, 1 for MPLS to a data center. What I’m interested in is a fail over system outside from the Fortigate. To be precise, 2 incoming web traffic connections into a BGP load balancing router that ultimately leads to 1st WAN input on the Fortigate. My engineer tells me that this isn’t possible, perhaps I’m missing something but I can’t see what it wouldn’t be possible. Thoughts?

Is the router doing BGP going to be nat' ing the FortiGate traffic? You don' t actually need another device to do the BGP load balancing piece, the FortiGate is fully capable of doing so on its' own. Check out the following article to get you started:
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Thank you. Yes I realize the Fortigate is capable, however the MPLS is a fiber shot direct to a data center with no possibility of an outside connection. With the 2 WAN ports taken up [1 web 2 MPLS] on the 100D, I can' t fail from 1 to 2. What I need to find out is if a BGP prior to reaching the Fortigate would function. Fail over would take place prior to the Fortigate. It would see a single connection that' s being fed from the BGP router. yes?

just to chip in: ports are freely usable for anything on a FGT. You' re not restricted to ' wan1' , ' wan2' . If you need more ports, dissolve the switch (' internal' ) into individual ports.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

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