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Missing address-objects in policy

Hi, on a 60C, but only one specific, I have an error in the gui since 4MR3p6. When I add a new policy or edit an existing one, it is not possible to choose an address-object in " Source Address" or " Destination Address" - the list is empty. We updated many FWs without any problems, so I have no real idea what to do. Downgrading to pl5 is the next step, but I can check this the next week.
best regards, TC
best regards, TC
Contributor II

vip group address if the address or the name of any object, the problem is the space character, and have a non-English characters.
Tuncay BAS
RZK Muhendislik Turkey
Tuncay BASRZK Muhendislik TurkeyFCA,FCP,FCF,FCSS

Any chance that there are blanks or Umlauts in the address object names (addresses or groups) on that FGT? If so, you can rename them using the CLI and then it should work again.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
New Contributor

tnx. F*ck german language ;) Normally we use one english descriptions, but not our customer who addes this object.
best regards, TC
best regards, TC

Glad I could help. bzgl. Deutsch: das würde ich so nicht unterschreiben. Sonderzeichen gibt es in vielen nicht-EN Sprachen, das hätte Fortinet auch berücksichtigen können...und in älteren Versionen ging es auch.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

Can you include a sample of which address name caused the problem?
New Contributor

Hi Jordan, the ä (0xE4) was the problem in this case. This is an export of the config with a previous firmware: #config-version=FGT60C-4.00-FW-build441-110318:opmode=0:vdom=0:user=admin [...] config firewall addrgrp [...] edit " VOIP-Geräte" add 1: If I add such an entry wich 4MR3p6, the ä is coded in utf8 and the lists are shown without any error. So the problem is the character-coding iso8859-1 vs utf8 in my opinion. add 2: It is possible to create such an entry in the gui, but I cannot edit it (" Blank or incorrect address entry." ) nor delete it (" Invalid length of value." ). So the character coding should be optimized a bit ;)
best regards, TC
best regards, TC

Although we don' t support German as an administrative language, the characters can be used if UTF8 encoding is used (as described in your note).

@JT: and what can the admin do about it when using the WebGUI? Would it help to change browser settings, or is the coding an OS feature? IMHO the WebGUI and CLI should always treat input identically - even in form of rejecting improper coded input.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
New Contributor

@Jordan: As I said, I can create such an address-object using the GUI, but I cannot modify it using the GUI.
best regards, TC
best regards, TC
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