Hi,I have the szenario that a ssl vpn (tunnel and web mode) is reachable
at both wan ports that are connected to the internet. Since 5.2.4 I
cannot reach the portal using wan1, but at wan2. A packet sniffer shows
only a syn, but no ack. So, a simple ...
Hi, I found an extremely strange behavior in the FortiOS 5.2.3 on our
FGT 110C.FG-GW # diagnose sys link-monitor statusLink Monitor:
gwdetect-upg-1 Status: alive Create time: Sun Mar 29 01:17:53 2015Source
interface: wan1 (3)Interval: 5, Timeout 5Fai...
Hi, have a look at http://heartbleed.com/ - I made a test with some of
our own Fortigates and with some of our customers and found, that they
are affected. I tried to test the public ssl portals where valid ssl
certificates have been installed. Can a...
Hi, I tried to fetch a config-file of our Fortigates using the php
command ssh2_scp_recv, but it does not work. The connection is
established using the ssh2-class and works without and problem. Both,
password and key-authentication works, opening a v...
Hi, I am using FortiClient SSLVPN Version 4.0.2292. Since a few weeks
(maybe since a fresh installation of my system) the FortiClient looses
the password of a vpn session when the session has been closed. So I can
create a new session that includes u...
Hmm... f... you are right. 22.497665 wan1 in ext.ip.foo.bar.65104 ->
wan1.ip.foo.bar.10443: syn 58218781822.497760 ppp1 out
wan1.ip.foo.bar.10443 -> ext.ip.foo.bar.65104: syn 1750013977 ack
58218781925.479696 wan1 in ext.ip.foo.bar.65104 ->
Not much :) I have changed the port to 10443, because 443 has to much
other traffic at the moment, but the result is the same. 2 tries, wan1
and wan2... 2015-07-29 12:15:35 id=20085 trace_id=95 msg="vd-root
received a packet(proto=6, ext.ip.foo.bar:5...
Thanks. But why is this not corrected documented? In the cli-reference
of FortiOS 5.2 is no hit if you search for " link-monitor" . Only the
old gwdetect is described. And in the overview about the new features in
5.2 the same... that' s annoying.