Hi Team,
Third party API tool interact with our FGM for blocking some bad IP address in FGT.
For that we have created FGM side local user "TEAM" & credential with super user privilege and JASON API read write access.
Also create one group of objects "Test1" under Policy&object under ADOM10.
When there API is call this object then they are getting error that given address group "Test1" is not present by soar user.
As per there log when ever they try to call, its going to global adom. But that user "TEAM" alreday have access of all adom.
Now from FGM side what can be do next step to communicate with that third party API tool
Hi @moniruddin ,
Part of the url in the JSON API call is used to reach specific ADOM and Package.
As, int the following example:
"method": "get",
"params": [
"attr": "string",
"url": "/pm/config/adom/{adom}/pkg/{pkg}/firewall/policy"
"session": "string",
"id": 1
Yes, Our third party partner already same thing configured in there end,
In this scenario specific adom- FORTIGATE7-0-13 is created with specific object group "IOC_Block_Outbound" in FGM side. But when their API try to interact with our FGM, then they are getting error that given address group "IOC_Block_Outbound" is not present.
I have taken some log and also share that log. Can you help out on this? FGM side we have verify any thing or any configuration need to verify against this address group "IOC_Block_Outbound"
Log from FGM Console
INAZLAFTM1001 # di de service sys 255
INAZLAFTM1001 # di de service cdb 255
INAZLAFTM1001 # di de en
INAZLAFTM1001 # Process list cleanup completed, 0 requests remaining
Request [gui forward:1581750:unknown]:
{ "client": "gui forward:1581750", "keep_session_idle": 1, "method": "get", "params": [{ "option": "syntax", "target start": 2, "url": "p
m\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj"}], "session": 49312}
Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581750:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj"}], "session": 49312}
Request [svc dvmdb reader:1581768:1]:
{ "client": "svc dvmdb reader:1581768", "id": 1, "method": "exec", "params": [{ "data": { "id": "7814bb68-7a7e-4f04-b098-87474e714417", "
pid": 1581768}, "target start": 1, "url": "sys\/request\/register"}], "session": 49312}
Register process 1581768 for request id "7814bb68-7a7e-4f04-b098-87474e714417"
Request [gui forward:1581764:35612057-c6a1-4b5a-a536-21156d4f4d23]:
{ "client": "gui forward:1581764", "id": "35612057-c6a1-4b5a-a536-21156d4f4d23", "keep_session_idle": 1, "method": "get", "params": [{ "o
ption": ["devinfo"], "target start": 2, "url": "\/pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj"}], "session": 49312}
Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581764:35612057-c6a1-4b5a-a536-21156d4f4d23]:
{ "id": "35612057-c6a1-4b5a-a536-21156d4f4d23", "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "\/pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGA
TE7-0-13\/obj"}], "session": 49312}
Request [svc cdb reader:1581774:1]:
{ "client": "svc cdb reader:1581774", "id": 1, "method": "exec", "params": [{ "data": { "id": "35612057-c6a1-4b5a-a536-21156d4f4d23", "pi
d": 1581774}, "target start": 1, "url": "sys\/request\/register"}], "session": 49312}
Register process 1581774 for request id "35612057-c6a1-4b5a-a536-21156d4f4d23"
Response [gui forward:1581764:35612057-c6a1-4b5a-a536-21156d4f4d23]:
{ "id": "35612057-c6a1-4b5a-a536-21156d4f4d23", "result": [{ "data": { "uuid": "b9acc798-cfd3-51ee-dc02-18b938d2330c"}, "status": { "code
": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "\/pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj"}]}
Request [faz-gui-proj :2276:1705]:
{ "client": "faz-gui-proj :2276", "id": 1705, "method": "get", "params": [{ "data": { "adom_oid": 638111}, "target start":
1, "url": "api\/dvm\/adom_get_faz_id"}], "root": "sys"}
Response [faz-gui-proj :2276:1705]:
{ "id": 1705, "result": [{ "data": { "faz_id": 0}, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "api\/dvm\/adom_get_faz_id"}]}
Response [gui forward:1581750:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "data": { "adom options": { "attr": { "assign_excluded": { "excluded": true, "opts": { "disable": 0, "enable": 1}, "sz": 1
, "type": "uint8"}, "assign_name": { "type": "string"}, "specify_assign_pkg_list": { "excluded": true, "opts": { "disable": 0, "enable":
1}, "sz": 1, "type": "uint8"}}, "category": 1104, "domain": 2, "support_mode": 48, "type": "obj"}, "antivirus profile": { "alimit": 1000,
"attr": { "analytics-accept-filetype": { "help": "Only submit files matching this DLP file-pattern to FortiSandbox.", "max_argv": 1, "re
f": [{ "category": "dlp filepattern", "mkey": "id"}], "type": "datasrc"}, "analytics-db": { "default": "disable", "excluded": true, "help
": "Enable\/disable using the FortiSandbox signature database to supplement the AV signature databases.", "opts": { "disable": 0, "enable
": 1}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "analytics-ignore-filetype": { "help": "Do not submit files matching this DLP file-pattern to FortiSan
dbox.", "max_argv": 1, "ref": [{ "category": "dlp filepattern", "mkey": "id"}], "type": "datasrc"}, "analytics-max-upload": { "default":
10, "help": "Maximum size of files that can be uploaded to FortiSandbox.", "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "av-block-log": { "default": "enab
le", "excluded": true, "help": "Enable\/disable logging for AntiVirus file blocking.", "opts": { "disable": 0, "enable": 1}, "sz": 1, "ty
pe": "uint8"}, "av-virus-log": { "default": "enable", "excluded": true, "help": "Enable\/disable AntiVirus logging.", "opts": { "disable"
: 0, "enable": 1}, "sz": 1, "type": "uint8"}, "comment": { "help": "Comment.", "max": 255, "type": "string"}, "ems-threat-feed": { "defau
lt": "disable", "excluded": true, "help": "Enable\/disable use of EMS threat feed when performing AntiVirus scan. Analyzes files includin
g the content of archives.", "opts": { "disable": 0, "enable": 1}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "extended-log": { "default": "disable", "e
xcluded": true, "help": "Enable\/disable extended logging for antivirus.", "opts": { "disable": 0, "enable": 1}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32
"}, "external-blocklist": { "help": "One or more external malware block lists.", "max_argv": -1, "ref": [{ "category": "system external-r
esource", "mkey": "name"}], "type": "datasrc"}, "external-blocklist-archive-scan": { "default": "enable", "excluded": true, "opts": { "di
sable": 0, "enable": 1}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "external-blocklist-enable-all": { "default": "disable", "excluded": true, "help": "
Enable\/disable all external blocklists.", "opts": { "disable": 0, "enable": 1}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "feature-set": { "default":
"flow", "excluded": true, "help": "Flow\/proxy feature set.", "opts": { "flow": 1, "proxy": 0}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "fortiai-erro
r-action": { "default": "log-only", "excluded": true, "help": "Action to take if FortiAI encounters an error.", "opts": { "block": 2, "ig
nore": 6, "log-only": 3}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "fortiai-timeout-action": { "default": "log-only", "excluded": true, "opts": { "blo
ck": 2, "ignore": 6, "log-only": 3}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "fortindr-error-action": { "default": "log-only", "excluded": true, "hel
p": "Action to take if FortiNDR encounters an error.", "opts": { "block": 2, "ignore": 3, "log-only": 1}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "fo
rtindr-timeout-action": { "default": "log-only", "excluded": true, "help": "Action to take if FortiNDR encounters a scan timeout.", "opts
": { "block": 2, "ignore": 3, "log-only": 1}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "ftgd-analytics": { "default": "disable", "excluded": true, "he
lp": "Settings to control which files are uploaded to FortiSandbox.", "opts": { "disable": 1, "everything": 3, "suspicious": 2}, "sz": 4,
"type": "uint32"}, "mobile-malware-db": { "default": "enable", "excluded": true, "help": "Enable\/disable using the mobile malware signa
ture database.", "opts": { "disable": 0, "enable": 1}, "sz": 4, "type": "uint32"}, "name": { "help": "Profile name.", "max": 35, "type":
"string"}, "outbreak-prevention-archive-scan": { "default": "enable", "excluded": true, "help": "Enable\/disable outbreak-
Request [faz-gui-proj :2260:1772]:
{ "client": "faz-gui-proj :2260", "id": 1772, "method": "get", "params": [{ "data": { "adom_oid": 638111}, "target start":
1, "url": "api\/dvm\/adom_get_faz_id"}], "root": "sys"}
Response [faz-gui-proj :2260:1772]:
{ "id": 1772, "result": [{ "data": { "faz_id": 0}, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "api\/dvm\/adom_get_faz_id"}]}
Request [gui forward:1581787:10173764-474d-4834-b1ea-c49b3f2bb855]:
{ "client": "gui forward:1581787", "id": "10173764-474d-4834-b1ea-c49b3f2bb855", "keep_session_idle": 1, "method": "get", "params": [{ "a
ttr": "rating", "loadsub": 1, "option": "datasrc", "target start": 2, "url": "\/pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/webfilter\/ftgd-l
ocal-rating"}], "session": 49312}
Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581787:10173764-474d-4834-b1ea-c49b3f2bb855]:
{ "id": "10173764-474d-4834-b1ea-c49b3f2bb855", "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "\/pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGA
TE7-0-13\/obj\/webfilter\/ftgd-local-rating"}], "session": 49312}
Request [svc cdb reader:1581800:1]:
{ "client": "svc cdb reader:1581800", "id": 1, "method": "exec", "params": [{ "data": { "id": "10173764-474d-4834-b1ea-c49b3f2bb855", "pi
d": 1581800}, "target start": 1, "url": "sys\/request\/register"}], "session": 49312}
Register process 1581800 for request id "10173764-474d-4834-b1ea-c49b3f2bb855"
Response [gui forward:1581787:10173764-474d-4834-b1ea-c49b3f2bb855]:
{ "id": "10173764-474d-4834-b1ea-c49b3f2bb855", "result": [{ "data": { "webfilter categories": [{ "id": "all", "obj description": "All Ca
tegories", "oid": 0}, { "id": "g01", "obj description": "Potentially Liable", "oid": 0}, { "id": "1", "obj description": "Drug Abuse", "o
id": 0}, { "id": "3", "obj description": "Hacking", "oid": 0}, { "id": "4", "obj description": "Illegal or Unethical", "oid": 0}, { "id":
"5", "obj description": "Discrimination", "oid": 0}, { "id": "6", "obj description": "Explicit Violence", "oid": 0}, { "id": "12", "obj
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"oid": 0}, { "id": "63", "obj description": "**bleep** Education", "oid": 0}, { "id": "64", "obj description": "Alcohol", "oid": 0}, { "id": "
65", "obj description": "Tobacco", "oid": 0}, { "id": "66", "obj description": "Lingerie and Swimsuit", "oid": 0}, { "id": "67", "obj des
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"id": "25", "obj description": "Streaming Media and Download", "oid": 0}, { "id": "72", "obj description": "Peer-to-peer File Sharing",
"oid": 0}, { "id": "75", "obj description": "Internet Radio and TV", "oid": 0}, { "id": "76", "obj description": "Internet Telephony", "o
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Request [gui forward:1581792:07896a3c-ca09-4eae-b4b7-8fe79b55d2df]:
{ "client": "gui forward:1581792", "id": "07896a3c-ca09-4eae-b4b7-8fe79b55d2df", "keep_session_idle": 1, "method": "get", "params": [{ "o
ption": ["no loadsub"], "target start": 2, "url": "\/pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/system\/external-resource"}], "session": 493
Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581792:07896a3c-ca09-4eae-b4b7-8fe79b55d2df]:
{ "id": "07896a3c-ca09-4eae-b4b7-8fe79b55d2df", "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "\/pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGA
TE7-0-13\/obj\/system\/external-resource"}], "session": 49312}
Request [svc cdb reader:1581804:1]:
{ "client": "svc cdb reader:1581804", "id": 1, "method": "exec", "params": [{ "data": { "id": "07896a3c-ca09-4eae-b4b7-8fe79b55d2df", "pi
d": 1581804}, "target start": 1, "url": "sys\/request\/register"}], "session": 49312}
Register process 1581804 for request id "07896a3c-ca09-4eae-b4b7-8fe79b55d2df"
Request [faz-gui-proj :2260:1776]:
{ "client": "faz-gui-proj :2260", "id": 1776, "method": "get", "params": [{ "data": { "adom_oid": 638111}, "target start":
1, "url": "api\/dvm\/adom_get_faz_id"}], "root": "sys"}
Response [gui forward:1581792:07896a3c-ca09-4eae-b4b7-8fe79b55d2df]:
{ "id": "07896a3c-ca09-4eae-b4b7-8fe79b55d2df", "result": [{ "data": [{ "oid": 4670, "name": "Malware IP List", "comments": "Malware IP L
ist", "resource": "http:\/\/\/Index.txt", "refresh-rate": 5, "type": 1, "category": 0, "status": 1, "password": ["ENC",
FqsAH8oorwPobPDKZFYyEs68Um\/mZOJLXjpBn9CUFYiFLG5sW4241RAfrAUCRug=="], "source-ip": "", "interface-select-method": 0, "interface":
[], "uuid": "3567fb78-20bb-51ee-effe-ba6424fdf106", "server-identity-check": 25}], "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "\/pm\
Response [faz-gui-proj :2260:1776]:
{ "id": 1776, "result": [{ "data": { "faz_id": 0}, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "api\/dvm\/adom_get_faz_id"}]}
Request [faz-gui-proj :2276:1707]:
{ "client": "faz-gui-proj :2276", "id": 1707, "method": "get", "params": [{ "data": { "adom_oid": 638111}, "target start":
1, "url": "api\/dvm\/adom_get_faz_id"}], "root": "sys"}
Request [faz-gui-proj :2260:1778]:
{ "client": "faz-gui-proj :2260", "id": 1778, "method": "get", "params": [{ "data": { "adom_oid": 638111}, "target start":
1, "url": "api\/dvm\/adom_get_faz_id"}], "root": "sys"}
Response [faz-gui-proj :2276:1707]:
{ "id": 1707, "result": [{ "data": { "faz_id": 0}, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "api\/dvm\/adom_get_faz_id"}]}
Response [faz-gui-proj :2260:1778]:
{ "id": 1778, "result": [{ "data": { "faz_id": 0}, "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "api\/dvm\/adom_get_faz_id"}]}
Request [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "client": "gui flatui_proxy:1581817", "method": "get", "params": [{ "scope member": [{ "name": "All_FortiGate"}], "target start": 2, "u
rl": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/wireless-controller\/wtp"}], "session": 49312}
Chkperm Response [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/wireless-controller\/wtp"}], "ses
sion": 49312}
Response [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "data": [], "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/wireless-controller\/
Request [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "client": "gui flatui_proxy:1581817", "method": "get", "params": [{ "scope member": [{ "name": "All_FortiGate"}], "target start": 2, "u
rl": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/fsp\/managed-switch"}], "session": 49312}
Chkperm Response [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/fsp\/managed-switch"}], "session"
: 49312}
Response [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "data": [], "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/fsp\/managed-switch"}
Request [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "client": "gui flatui_proxy:1581817", "method": "get", "params": [{ "scope member": [{ "name": "All_FortiGate"}], "target start": 2, "u
rl": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/extension-controller\/extender"}], "session": 49312}
Chkperm Response [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/extension-controller\/extender"}]
, "session": 49312}
Response [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "status": { "code": -3, "message": "Object does not exist"}, "url": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/extension-con
Request [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "client": "gui flatui_proxy:1581817", "method": "get", "params": [{ "scope member": [{ "name": "All_FortiGate"}], "target start": 2, "u
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Chkperm Response [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/extender-controller\/extender"}],
"session": 49312}
Response [gui flatui_proxy:1581817:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "data": [], "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/extender-controller\/
Request [gui flatui_proxy:1581830:unknown]:
{ "client": "gui flatui_proxy:1581830", "method": "get", "params": [{ "keep_session_idle": 0, "option": ["scope member"], "target start":
2, "url": "\/pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/cli\/template"}], "session": 49312}
Chkperm Response [gui flatui_proxy:1581830:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url": "\/pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/cli\/template"}], "session": 49
Response [gui flatui_proxy:1581830:unknown]:
{ "result": [{ "data": [{ "oid": 11813, "name": "provision_interfaces_on_vm", "description": "predefined script for FGT-VM", "type": 1, "
script": "config system interface\n{%- for i in range(0, vm_interface_number|int) %}\nedit port{{i+1}}\nset vdom root\nset type physical\
nnext\n{%- endfor %}\nend", "variables": ["vm_interface_number"], "provision": 1}, { "oid": 11815, "name": "split_hardware_switch_ports_4
0_80_100", "description": "predefined script for FGT 40F\/80E\/100E\/100F", "type": 0, "script": "config firewall policy\ndelete 1\nend\n
config system interface\nedit lan\nunset role\nnext\nend\nconfig firewall address\ndelete lan\nend\nconfig system dhcp server\ndelete 1\n
end\nconfig system virtual-switch\ndelete lan\nend", "variables": [], "provision": 1}, { "oid": 11814, "name": "split_hardware_switch_por
ts_60_90", "description": "predefined script for FGT 60F\/90E", "type": 0, "script": "config firewall policy\ndelete 1\nend\nconfig syste
m interface\nedit internal\nunset role\nnext\nend\nconfig firewall address\ndelete internal\nend\nconfig system dhcp server\ndelete 1\nen
d\nconfig system virtual-switch\ndelete internal\nend", "variables": [], "provision": 1}], "status": { "code": 0, "message": "OK"}, "url"
: "\/pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/cli\/template"}]}
Request [svc cmdb reader:1581853:1]:
{ "client": "svc cmdb reader:1581853", "id": 1, "method": "exec", "params": [{ "data": { "id": "d7bd1bc7-55d8-4ac5-96d4-47ee92c959a7", "p
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Register process 1581853 for request id "d7bd1bc7-55d8-4ac5-96d4-47ee92c959a7"
Request [gui forward:1581870:2dc105bc-03af-4f56-85b3-bd68b8c8768d]:
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Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581870:2dc105bc-03af-4f56-85b3-bd68b8c8768d]:
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Request [svc cdb reader:1581875:1]:
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Register process 1581875 for request id "2dc105bc-03af-4f56-85b3-bd68b8c8768d"
Response [gui forward:1581870:2dc105bc-03af-4f56-85b3-bd68b8c8768d]:
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Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581873:637822d9-9272-4ed7-ab28-a39b89241d10]:
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Request [svc cdb reader:1581881:1]:
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Register process 1581881 for request id "637822d9-9272-4ed7-ab28-a39b89241d10"
Response [gui forward:1581873:637822d9-9272-4ed7-ab28-a39b89241d10]:
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Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581874:8a0aee92-8c88-4783-b6b1-2b130e8643cd]:
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Request [svc cdb reader:1581889:1]:
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Register process 1581889 for request id "8a0aee92-8c88-4783-b6b1-2b130e8643cd"
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Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581878:4fc9866b-4a36-47ef-878a-9f3ad8f2fba8]:
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Request [svc cdb reader:1581895:1]:
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Register process 1581895 for request id "4fc9866b-4a36-47ef-878a-9f3ad8f2fba8"
Response [gui forward:1581874:8a0aee92-8c88-4783-b6b1-2b130e8643cd]:
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Response [gui forward:1581876:51e15683-812a-435d-9a43-bc12c5a1313e]:
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Request [svc cdb reader:1581900:1]:
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Register process 1581900 for request id "a8b30780-e17d-43ef-9dea-6a64c975f7d2"
Request [gui forward:1581882:9b795485-3782-4ad7-a2d5-5c3d93a50f58]:
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Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581882:9b795485-3782-4ad7-a2d5-5c3d93a50f58]:
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Request [svc cdb reader:1581902:1]:
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Register process 1581902 for request id "9b795485-3782-4ad7-a2d5-5c3d93a50f58"
Response [gui forward:1581879:a8b30780-e17d-43ef-9dea-6a64c975f7d2]:
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Request [svc cdb reader:1581908:1]:
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Register process 1581908 for request id "2a17bfc3-58a3-44f9-8b96-4844b2e1affd"
Request [gui forward:1581890:df018469-a6fb-4b2e-9e2d-9f4219868d9d]:
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Request [svc cdb reader:1581910:1]:
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Response [gui forward:1581887:2a17bfc3-58a3-44f9-8b96-4844b2e1affd]:
Response [gui forward:1581890:df018469-a6fb-4b2e-9e2d-9f4219868d9d]:
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: 49312}
Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581892:70b5629d-decd-4965-a8ac-aa0a29d93fbe]:
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Request [svc cdb reader:1581917:1]:
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Chkperm Response [gui forward:1581898:8b08b0d9-d20e-4092-9dac-e7130febfc85]:
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Request [svc cdb reader:1581928:1]:
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Response [gui forward:1581892:70b5629d-decd-4965-a8ac-aa0a29d93fbe]:
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ssage": "OK"}, "url": "pm\/config\/adom\/FORTIGATE7-0-13\/obj\/firewall\/multicast-address6"}]}
Process list cleanup completed, 0 requests remaining
User | Count |
2061 | |
1175 | |
770 | |
448 | |
343 |
The Fortinet Security Fabric brings together the concepts of convergence and consolidation to provide comprehensive cybersecurity protection for all users, devices, and applications and across all network edges.
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