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Increase maximum message size

Hi all,

This is my environment : Exchange server 2013 CU19 + Fortimail 400E Firmware version : v5.3,build653,180328 (5.3.12 GA)  operates as gateway mode

Outgoing messages : from Exchange server go straight to internet not via Fortimail

Incoming messages : are scanned by Fortimail before come to Exchange server

I want to increase maximum message size from 10MB (default) to 20MB, I followed document to edit Mail Settings --> Domains and Profile session but it doesn't work.

Incoming messages larger then 10MB are rejected "The response from the remote server was:

552 5.2.3 Message size (20611500) is over limit (10485760)


What should I do ? Please give me some advices , thank you very much.

I'm sorry, I tried to upload images but it doesn't show up, I will try again.


In summary, Exchange to Exchange SMTP uses a different format to Internet SMTP and has to be re-encoded which changes the email size.  Check the link @Abelio linked, particularly the line:


The common Base64 encoding adds about 37% to the original file size, meaning that an original 20MB file could exceed a 25MB file attachment limit.


15MB + 37% = 20.55MB


Hence a 15MB exchange email would be blocked by a FML with a 20MB limit as FortiMail uses the absolute size including any encoding overheads.  Take this into account when setting your limits.

Dr. Carl Windsor Field Chief Technology Officer Fortinet



    When you attach a binary file to an e-mail the e-mail client converts binary to ascii so there's roughly 30% increase in size which is why you need to set the size limit on the Fortimail higher than the desired file size. See the link from abelio for further details. 


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