#define your networks, I always place these as trust ( my internals ) and untrust
# any other networks
# ( inside network )
set address Trust " inside"
# ( remote lan )
set address Untrust "†
# optional but I create various proposal and define these in my p1/p2 cfg
# ( this line says proposal AA = PSK DH-grp=2, esp-3des, md5 )
set ike p1-proposal " AA" preshare group2 esp 3des md5
# ( this line states p2 proposal name=bb, DH-grp=2,esp-3des,with md5, SA time 3600secs )
set ike p2-proposal " bb" group2 esp 3des md5 second 3600
# Now define the gw with a name and the remote address
set ike gateway " theothervpn-gw" address Main outgoing-interface " untrust" preshare “your-psk-here†proposal " AA" " AA"
/* replace the psk with your key that matches the remote, define the right proposals */
# you might want to read up on vpn monitor but should not be required in your case
set vpn " vpn01" gateway " theothervpn-gw" no-replay tunnel idletime 0 proposal " bb"
set vpn " vpn01" monitor
set vpn " vpn01" id 1 bind interface tunnel.1
/* define the proxy-id space,
IT MUST MATCH , I' ve had zero luck with, so define the left & right subnet here */
set vpn " vpn01" proxy-id local-ip remote-ip " ANY"
# lastly define your fwpolicy for allowance of the traffic
# ( do a get policy and use new policy ID numbers )
set policy id 36 name " fw1" from " Trust" to " Untrust" " internal"
"" " ANY" permit log
set policy id 35 name " fw1-other" from " Untrust" to " Trust" "" " internal" " ANY" permit log
Keynotes from the juniper side of things;
get config | inc vpn
get ike
get sa
get vpn
get policy
All of the above commands are your friends on the juniper SG. Make sure you do not set encryption on your fwpolicy in this case. That would be the same as a policy-base vpn in fortigate terms. You will notice FGT & SSG are not that much different after you do about dozen of so. FGT is just a better juniper imho
I ' m not going to go thru the fgt side of the config. You should use any one of the numerous examples found on this forum, internet or KB.
keynotes from the FGT side of things;
make sure you set a static route if your using vpn interfaces,
match fgt proxy-ids to the juniper SSG,
match p1/p2 proposals,
or provide proposals that matches the other side,
double check your fwpolices.
diag vpn ike status
diag vn tunnel stat
diag vpn tunnel list " id or name "
All of the above are great debug commands for the fgt. If you need help, I could possible help you if you provide me a door in.