and welcome to the forums.
What you are planning can be done with the help of Virtual IPs. For each camera, create one VIP as follows:
go to Firewall>Virtual IP>Virtual IP
Create New
name: camera01
External interface: WAN (whatever it' s called with your FGT)
Type: Static NAT
External IP: <your public IP address, e.g.
Mapped IP: (for example)
Port Forwarding: enable
Protocol: TCP
External Service Port: 9001
Map to Port: 80 (for HTTP) or 443 (for HTTPS)
Create all VIPs you need, one for each camera. You cannot use an external port number twice. All other parameters can be used multiple times (e.g. the one public IP address).
Now, create a VIP Group (just below in the GUI). This will make your life easier.
Then, use the VIP group in a policy:
Create New
WAN -> internal
source addr: all
dest addr: <the VIP group>
service: HTTP or HTTPS
schedule: you might restrict access by time of day, ' always' otherwise
action: ACCEPT
NAT: no
Now try to reach a camera via browser. Note that you cannot ping it.
For security I would strongly recommend you put a login page on the access policy. In Fortigates it' s called ' Identity Based Policy' . This way, you authenticate in the browser prior to accessing any camera (but only for the first camera).
Cookbook is OK, get the FortiOS Handbook as well if you haven' t already.
If you need more hints, you' re welcome.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!