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How to log URL' s accessed ?

Is there a way under FortiOS 2.8 to just somehow log all URLs accessed? Currently it only logs source/destination IP addresses. I don' t need to block or filter on websites or URLs but just need to log them.... Thanks, Kenneth
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If you have already enabled logging and can see source / destination addresses then just switch to Raw view (at top of page next to the search field). The Raw format shows details of the url,hostnames etc. You may need to scroll to the right depending on your screen resolution. Hope this helps, Andrew.
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The only way to do it is to buy FortiLog device and enable logging to FortiLog. Then in Protection Profile you will be able to select logging of Meta-Content information - this willinclude URLs fro HTTP and e-mail addresses for mail sessions.

Ya know, that' s pretty lame. I mean, the info is there but it won' t display it without Fortinet' s own logging device. My company didn' t buy a $6000 firewall with a 36GB harddrive so we could track IPs. Forcing someone to purchase another $1500 logging device just to see the URLs is silly. 36GB of available space is more than sufficient for what we need... I' m only using 1% as it is. And yes, I know how to reverse lookup but that won' t show me pages and rarely shows all the domains to an associated IP.
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I need to be able to do the same. This is a very lame way of milking additional dollars out of customers. If the information is being picked up, why can' t we have access to it?
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Log traffic to a fortilog (with the ip of your syslog server) without encryption and you will see what you want to see. Activate the meta info in the protection profile ;))
New Contributor

Here' s a tip. Read the reply from ghostshell. Do what he suggests and then see what you have left to moan about - no one is trying to milk anyone.
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Is it legan in US to log URLs?? IN EU (at least in Greece) this is not legal. One should not log URLs as this violates personal data. Even for statistical reasons this is not permited. Of cource you have the right to block some categories if you want (e.g. p-orn) but not monitor them.
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Hi, If you are logging user activity from inside your own company/organization, you have the right to log anything and everything you want, from what I understand. There is no internal privacy for employees when using voice or data systems. They have to assume they can be monitored. I need to know for security purposes. Especially if a system' s activity looks suspicious. Will
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In US.. maybe. In EU (or at least in Greece) this is not true. Intenal or external user privacy is human right! EU Law is higher than comapny law. (I do have some court verdicts on that in my country). U can do monitoring only if for every X people on a company you have computers (PC) for personal use (which are not monitored). Also the user need to have understanding that trafic is monitored on the work PCs! It exaclty the same like if someone had HIV and doesnt want others to know it. Would that give the right to an adminitrator to discover it (by monitoring HIV sites) because the HIV person happens to be an " internal" user ?!? You can block but you cannot monitor! Who is administrator, god to have the right to know what a user is dowing. We dont monitor email and phones.

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