Support Forum
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Fortinet Support (3 days and counting)

I put in a ticket on November 8th and have yet to hear anything from Fortinet' s support team. I have 24/7 premium support on the Fortigate 80CM. I recently made the leap from Cisco to Fortinet but if this is going to be a common occurrence then I may need to rethink my decision. Chad
Valued Contributor III

Welcome to the forums. I can' t speak for everyone, but I haven' t had any major issues with support in the past few years. I also haven' t submitted very many tickets either. These forums are a goldmine of information. Post your issue here. Chances are, someone has already been there and you' ll have an answer shortly. Good luck

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
New Contributor III

It all has to do with priorities of a ticket. If you submit a ticket via the web, it has a P3 or P4 prio. If you need/want fast responds, and you do have a 24x7 support, call afterwards and upgrade the ticket.

Rackmount your Fortinet -->


Rackmount your Fortinet -->
Not applicable

Thanks you all for the information. I did submit a P3 ticket but I did expect to hear back a little sooner.
Not applicable

You should have heard back much sooner. Standard support Fortinet SLA for a P3 is initial response by next business day & every 3 day reporting. For premium support initial response for reports before 16:00 is same business day and reporting every day. TAC manager should have been involved at 3 days with premium support.
Esteemed Contributor III

So any updates to your problem(s)? This is why alot of person like cisco support over the competitors. You might not get a " solid" fix to your problem, but with cisco, you always get a live body within 2-4hours or sooner, regardless of the priority.




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