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Fortigate and Fortimanager, is there a test virtual machine environment to access machines

Hi, We need to play around with different FGT and FMG and FAZ versions and wanted to know if Fortinet has some free access to demo or virtual machines that one could use for some period of time free of charge.
New Contributor III

For that go to

and download vm for all product and test with 15 day trail licences.



Yeah, the licenses you download from support will work for a few days (14) with various limitations (6 policies only on Gate VMs).


It should be enough for you to dive in and get pseudo familiar with things though.

Mike Pruett Fortinet GURU | Fortinet Training Videos

What I meant is access to a demo environment, where I do not have to run the VMs on my own machine. Something like Microsoft does with it's windows server and other os's for IT Professionals.

Actually I was looking for access demos also for APs managed by FortiCloud. FMG, FAZ in different versions, fortiauthenticator, fortisandbox, fortimail etc.

FTNT has a lot of their products online for demo purposes.

The only thing they ask for is that you enter some contact info.

If you need more, different FortiOS versions for example, then get the VMs and/or get in touch with a FTNT partner or SE.

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

Ok, so I received an email with an access to a system I can play around.

Not bad.

The only thing would be nice to have access to different versions, 5.2, 5.4 and 5.6.


As I said, contact your local Fortinet SE (or office, or partner). Maybe they can set up VMs just for you. Threaten them with a pending order.

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

This is exactly what I wanted to avoid :))


Fortidemo is quite ok, but they lack some log data, e.g. for the Fortianalyzer, IOC, Threats, Summary all do not go back long enough to see something.



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