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Fortigate 60M sufficient for 15-20 users ?

We are looking into purchasing a Fortigate 60 as our firewall. We have a small network of about 17 pc' s, no dedicated server, no email server, with regular ADSL Internet access. We are very interested in its IPS, antivirus, antispam, content filtering and vpn features. Would this model be powerfull enough for our size ? Some have told me that the FG60 might not be sufficient if we enable the antivirus / antispam on it or if we define too many policies, and that the FG100A would be better suited. Although I am sure the FG100A would work great, budget is very tight and I don' t want to spend extra money for it if the FG60 will do the job properly. Thanks
Valued Contributor III

As of now, the 50s and 60s have memory issues with the newest firmware releases. Fortinet is working on getting the memory usage down in these units (MR5 supposedly). If you have time, I would wait a couple of weeks until the latest patches are out, and look back to see where they stand. If you' re in a hurry, go larger. You' ll be happier in the long run. Look through these forums. There' s a bunch of entries related to memory usage on all models, not just the smaller. It' s just that the smaller ones just don' t have the horsepower to overcome the usage issues.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:
New Contributor

The 50B might be exactly what you are looking for. It' s cheaper than the 60, has twice the memory and a faster ASIC. The only thing it is missing is a DMZ, but there are 2 WAN ports so you could always use WAN2 as a DMZ if you will only have one internet connection.
FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT
FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT
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Quick and dirty non-political answer - yes it will work for you. In fact it will work very well. The throughput capability will outrun your connection bandwidth well before you tax the unit. On the 50b, anyone got the specs on it out there? Anyone know if they are planning on a 60b as well? Nothing wrong witht he processing power, they just need some more ram :)
Valued Contributor III

I have a 60AM right now that' s terminating a VPN and has one user, sometimes. The CPU is about 3-5%, and the memory is constant at 80%. No A/V, no IPS, no filtering, just a tunnel, OSPF, and four policies (ANY -> ANY). MR3 build 406, rebooted yesterday when I upgraded at 4:00 PM EST. Your call. . .

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

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