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Fortigate 30D - Setting up a new subnet / GW IP accessible from VPN

We currently have a operating Fortigate, accessible with VPN.


The current network, 10.3.x is working correctly.

We are setting up a new network  192.168.130.x


I'm having trouble setting up the the 192.x network to access the internet (will need to set up a virtual IP?) for the fortigate

The 192.168.130.x network will need to be accessible from the existing VPN.


Is there some quick steps or literature that I can read that will let me know what is required?



Valued Contributor

the 30D has two networks which can be reach via a VPN? SSLVPN or IPsec, from where?


and then the new network has to access the internet, but how does the VPN come into play here?


please make little drawing of the setup and explain what you want.

Valued Contributor III

Yes. Please indicate what is working and what needs to be corrected.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

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