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AWS Marketplace: Fortinet FortiGate Next-Generation Firewall


We’ve been looking at Fortinet FortiGate Next-Generation Firewall on Amazon Marketplace (


We've a question on licencing but are struggling to get someone to speak to us so I thought I would try here!  


A years licence upfront is $2400 for the year which looks like its based on EC2 instance size.  Now whilst we are setting up we’ll want to use a smaller EC2 instance and then when we go live move up to a larger EC2 instance.  So my question is really if we buy a year licence at $2400 can we use say a T3.small and then move to a larger instance within the same price band say a C4.Large when we go live or is the licence fixed on that t3.small instance?


If this isn't the place to get an answer like this would it be possible to get a pointer on where we can get the answer?  I have tried via AWS Market place and request a call back but with no response, I have tried via our amazon account manager and also via a contact me on the Fortinet website, but I am not getting any responses.


Many thanks,




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