In a FGCP cluster trying to get session sync traffic over the dedicated
interface with the set session-sync-dev command. But the corresponding
diagnose output seems to indicate it doesn't work. fgt1 (root) #
diagnose sys ha session-sync-devHA sessync...
anyone experience with a virtual (VM) standalone FortiTester on ESXi
with 2 ports and trying to run a DUT Working Mode Network Address
Translation (NAT) test with a DUT role Network Gateway? with an TP
(transparent) DUT working mode setting or an app...
anyone with experience on the diagnose debug for sessionsync (FGSP)? i
tried the -1 on 7.2.8 and think I once saw the sync packets on the
output, but at the moment I don't see anything when the system is
working normally and session sync is working. ...
haven't been able to find anything on knowledge base or while searching
in general but maybe not (well) documented. is there a way to check for
hits on routing route map / acl / prefix lists counters. like when you
create one that allows some and den...
Thank you for looking into this. The description in earlier
documentation says that is only for the where used query: Enable/disable
search all ADOMs for where-used queries (default= disable). That won't
give me another search field I think right?
totally agree with this. Fortinet is making it harder and harder to test
and lab stuff. if effort can be put in this limitation build something
that just makes it very unlikely to use in production so it can be used
in labs.
Thank you. First time I have seen the hw-session-sync-dev mentioned.It
seems a hyper scale firewall feature and this system isn't licensed for
that. The options doesn't exist in system ha settings.
The way I read the output the probes are send, but not received on the
configured session-sync-dev. This the case on the primary and secondary
FortiGate in the FGCP cluster.The hatalk debug shows nothing odd, but
can't be 100% sure it is fine either....