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FWF60D wifi slowdown/lockup

I currently have a TT opened at TAC but so far they couldn't see anything with the log info they requested and I provided. I'm currently waiting it to happen again then I'll call them to let them take a look at it while it's happening. I just wanted to know if somebody already knew what could be happening. I read another thread [] but mine seems to be different.


The symptom is wifi connection suddenly starts slowing down or almost locking up and everybody (about 15 devices most of the time) in our office experiencing the same. LAN connection works fine and from the FWF60D pinging toward the internet is fine. Pinging over wifi between a device and the FWF shows only occasional responses. I sniffed it at FWF and saw the same. I also checked WiFi enviroment and our SSID on the same channel is highest and the next highest is about 6-12db lower all the time

around this small office space. Then every time I shut the wifi interface down then unshut it, it recovers its normal operation. I upgraded from 5.2.3 to 5.2.7 but this still happens a couple times a week so far.

Valued Contributor III

toshiesumi wrote:

...I also checked WiFi enviroment and our SSID on the same channel is highest and the next highest is about 6-12db lower all the time around this small office space.

As far as I was aware, you should not be using the same channel as another device. Bad practice. Move one to channel 1-6-11, and away from the FWF. The other device may be throttling up to de-auth what it thinks is a rogue AP.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

The current Ch6 has been auto-selected by the FWF. We don't manually set the channel. At all Ch1, 6, and 11 I see many other SSIDs from rogue APs at our next door offices and businesses. The SSID we use is the only wifi in our office.


And if I don't reset the wifi interface for some period after the symptom started, looks like it always goes to a complete lockup including console port. I upgraded it to 5.2.7 but still happens very intermittently. Anybody else is experiencing this symptom with any FortiWifis? I've been working with TAC for almost two months but now they seem to want to try RMA.


For our customer i don't offers FG with integrated wireless onboard. I suggest to buy simple device and add to in FAP-21D. It could powers via USB interface.

FG-50E/60D/60E, FAP-221B/21D, FortiClient. 

FG-50E/60D/60E, FAP-221B/21D, FortiClient.
SuperUser experienced a similar problem with FWF before?


No, decided that use external devices much better that integrated. integrated wireless you cant place at the celling, or metak rack... External wireless more universal.

FG-50E/60D/60E, FAP-221B/21D, FortiClient. 

FG-50E/60D/60E, FAP-221B/21D, FortiClient.
Valued Contributor

I have moved away from FortiWIFI devices and focused on offering FortiGate's and an external FortiAP. Rarely is the FortiWIFI in the best location for signal broadcast and I tend to run into issues with the builtin wifi capabilities.


Using the FortiGate + FortiAP combo on the other hand has worked tremendously well for me.

Mike Pruett Fortinet GURU | Fortinet Training Videos

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