Have any info about FG/FWF-60E? What hardware inside? Very interesting
model with speed similar to FG-100D. In internet cost about 500 usd.
Seems very hopefull for customers which not need rack-mount design and a
lot of ports.
Hello all! Few days ago I decided to look in
FortiClient-5.4.1-XML-Reference.pdf and found there some option that
help to make AV virus scans and detection more complex and fast. I
testet that options in autonomous mode only. So, what must you do: go...
Hi everyones! I going to buy some remote and travel acces points for
offices. Interesting in 14C/21D models. What connections types to the
ISP do they use? Static and DHCP addresses - understand. But there is
one method of connection is PPPoE. Does r...
And 60E some fast compared to 50E. of cause not so fast as 50E compared
to my last 60D. But faster.Very ggod of multi core cpu. You can tune IPS
and other engines - to work at all core at once.