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FTP Traffic Slow

I was setup SSL FTP server. When I have site to site VPN Tunnel? I got very slow speed for SSL FTP traffic. I can get high speed on regular SSL FTP traffic (Without VPN) I use Serv-u and fg-60 3.0MR2
Not applicable

Is it not related to cryptographic overhead?
New Contributor

Sounds to me like you are doing SSL VPN over an IPSec tunnel. If that is correct you might be running into an MTU issue. That would definitely cause a problem with traffic flow.
FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT
FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT
Not applicable

I' d lean toward Fireshield' s suggestion
New Contributor

I was setup FTP server with SSL layer. I transfer via Site to site IPSec Tunnel. I got very slow speed. I also tranfer file without VPN. I got very good speed.
New Contributor

Have you lowered the MTU on the firewalls involved?
FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT
FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT

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