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FSSO and AD sub groups

Hi all,


    When configure FSSO is there some problem if a user is not directly associated a that group of AD that is associated a Fortigate Group.  It can pertence a sub group?


   For ex:


  User1 is associated with group STAFF of AD.

  group STAFF is inside group INTERNET-PROFILE1 of AD.

  group INTERNET-PROFILE1 of AD is associated with FG-INTERNET-PROFILE1 of Fortigate.


  Is there some problem if the User1 is in sub-group (STAFF) and not directly on INTERNET-PROFILE1?



Thanks !!!!




Claudio Rezende
Claudio Rezende

Hi Claudio,


group nesting is not problem for FSSO .. IF! the Collector Agent runs in advanced mode and so groups are in LDAP format. In you Collector GUI check "Set Directory Access Information / AD access mode" pull down menu. Selected should be "Advanced". Or registry [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\fortinet\fsae\collectoragent\admode] should be set to "1".


Kind regards,Tomas

Tomas Stribrny - NASDAQ:FTNT - Fortinet Inc. - TAC Staff Engineer
AAA, MFA, VoIP and other Fortinet stuff


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