Hi All, Is possible to disable the dynamic mapping object feature on
Fortimanager? I have a customer that often change object configuration
directly on Fortigate and after "import policy" in Fortimager and then
"re-install pollicy". The problem is th...
Hi all, When configure FSSO is there some problem if a user is not
directly associated a that group of AD that is associated a Fortigate
Group. It can pertence a sub group? For ex: User1 is associated with
group STAFF of AD. group STAFF is inside gro...
Hi all, After upgrade to 5.2.4 my web admin session is disconnecting
suddenly, while I'm working and before to idle timeout. I already saw
this in other versions of 5.2.X. Regards,Claudio Rezende
Hi All, I'm using "Device Identity" feature. My device, a Tablet Android
(TAB_RFLPTM000001) have the mac address "38:2d:d1:8f:ef:a5". At this
moment it get the IP "" by DHCP (Windows Server, not
firewall). In Device Definitions page it sho...
Hi all, I upgraded my FM from 5.0.9 to 5.2.3. At this moment I have two
ADOMs, one (root) with Policy Package 5.0 and other with Policy Package
5.2 My FGTs is still with version 5.0.9 and in the root ADOM. I now that
to upgrade the FGTs to 5.2.4 I ne...
Hi All, I'm having a lot of problems with FGT100D (5.2.4). The problems
are; Lost web gui access ssh doesn't response the commands high cpu
proccess, because antivirus and ipshelper process dhcp issues routing
issues Someone know about know bugs rele...
Hi all, I don't have ssl vpn configured on this firewall. The user that
I'm using is exclusive for me. I noticed that with Firefox the issue
happen with less often. I'm thinking about some certificate issue......
Somebody can solve this issues? After upgrade to 5.2.X, many of my
Fortigates have Web Gui issues. The Web Gui disconnect suddenly while
I'm working and before the idle timeout configuration. Regards,
@gschmitt, In side of Fortigate I have static public IP address, but in
other side not, and I don't have access to ISP router to forward the
traffic to firewall. Regards,Claudio