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New Contributor II

FG300D memory usage

my FG300D firewall memory starts to go above 70% these few days?

such I be concerned 

it used to hover around 60-65%.

should I clear logs on the FG300D or do some housekeeping ???


the below alert is from my monitoring system.


Trigger: Memory usage exceeded 70%

Trigger status: PROBLEM

Trigger severity: Average

Trigger URL: 

Item values:


1. System Memory Usage(%) (Fortigate300D:fgSysMemUsage): 71 %

New Contributor

Hi @kinmun


There is some important info you haven't told us:


How long has the unit been running for ( uptime )?

Have you made changes are add policies with security profiles recently?

Have you enabled any additional features like VPN, vuln scan or device ident?

Has your traffic through the unit increase ( eg. sessions or users )?


Generally, changes in config will cause fluctuations in memory usage so this may be expected or not. Try to work our if changes have happened between mem=60% and mem=70%.


The FGs are normally Ok up to 75% memory but thereafter you might get into conserve mode with some disabled features.


Which version of FortiOS are you running? Have you checked if there is an update, and (in the Release Notes) if there are issues resolved concerning the memory usage?

With UTM, you can burn any amount of memory. Check your IPS settings, for instance that you don't enable ALL signatures at once.

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
New Contributor II

my firmware is 5.2.2 and have been running for 300 days.

recent changes is to allow some online radio websites which were being blocked as p2p traffic.

no other changes made.


any commands i can use to check what are causing the spike in memory usage??


I recommend to

a) reboot

b) upgrade to 5.2.3 or 5.2.4


Take step a) in any case. Additionally, check IPS settings, if IPS is applied for the right policies. Same for AppCtrl.

Step b) needs some reading into the Release Notes and a search across the forum. There are known issues with both releases which may or may not affect your configuration.

I wouldn't be surprised if Fortinet has fixed some memory leaks in the last 3 upgrades.

Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
New Contributor II

will schedule a reboot of the FG and upgrade the firmware to 5.2.3.


this is what i get when i go a diagnose sys top-summary immediately after a sudden spike above 70%

  Mem [||||||||||||||||||||||||                ]  62.0%  4980M/7963M
   Processes: 20 (running=1 sleeping=133)
   PID      RSS  ^CPU% MEM%   FDS     TIME+  NAME
 * 86       25M    5.7  0.3    12  00:14.12  httpclid [x3]
   75      397M    2.8  5.0   368  19:18.47  ipsmonitor [x5]
   14357   130M    0.9  1.6  4598  38:30.41  proxyd [x8]
   3607     33M    0.0  0.4    11  00:41.38  pyfcgid
   3609     13M    0.0  0.2    31  02:53.90  iked
   14365    11M    0.0  0.1    14  00:00.29  dsd
   48       26M    0.0  0.3    15  09:29.60  cmdbsvr
   56       11M    0.0  0.1    87  00:12.50  zebos_launcher [x12]
   18492    41M    0.0  0.5    12  00:03.18  pyfcgid
   68       12M    0.0  0.2    16  40:33.58  uploadd
   69       30M    0.0  0.4    58  14:31.67  miglogd [x3]
   70       11M    0.0  0.1    12  11:03.11  ipmc_sensord
   71       11M    0.0  0.1     8  00:00.30  kmiglogd
   72       50M    0.0  0.6    25  00:15.83  httpsd [x5]
   74       11M    0.0  0.1     8  00:00.40  getty
   18507    31M    0.0  0.4    11  00:02.59  pyfcgid
   76       11M    0.0  0.1    10  00:00.28  merged_daemons
   77       11M    0.0  0.2    11  00:00.20  fnbamd
   31822    34M    0.0  0.4    12  02:35.64  pyfcgid
   81       11M    0.0  0.1    12  00:00.14  fclicense
FW # diagnose sys top-summary 

It truly is a shame FortiNet does not allow us to upgrade the ram. It's simply DDR sticks. I can see them through the vent holes in my 300C. Why would they only put 2GB in the 300C and are so skimpy with ram. It's not like it would cost any more to have put 4GB in the thing and then it would not have ram issues! 

Heck even CISCO lets end users upgrade the ram in their ASA's!! CISCO!!! Without loosing support. 

If they think there is a RAM issue they will ask you to put the OEM ram back in but I have never had that happen to any of the units I had and I had upgraded them all to run ASA 9.x.


FortiNet, Please spend the extra $2 and put at least 4GB ram in your units, and let end users upgrade the RAM like CISCO does. There is no reason these units should be strangled with only 2gb or less of ram when many of them can be end user upgraded simply.




300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track.

Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing.


FAC-VM 2 node cluster

Friends don't let friends FWF!

300E x3, 200D, 140D, 94D, 90D x2, 80D, 40C, handful of 60E's.. starting to loose track. Over 100 WiFi AP's and growing. FAZ-200D FAC-VM 2 node cluster Friends don't let friends FWF!
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