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Error while moving firewall policy

After upgrading to FortiOS MR3 Patch 2 we have encountered a strange problem while moving policies to different positions. We cannot move any newly created policies to a different position. We get the following error: " Moving a policy from one interface/zone pair to a different interface/zone pair is not permitted" The error msg doesn' t make any sence coz we' re just trying to move a policy to a different position and not edit it. Any help appreciated!!
New Contributor

You get that error if you try to move a policy in relation to an ID from another grouping. For example, moving a policy from Wan->Lan to Lan->Wan.
New Contributor II

you try to move your policy by it' s ID. but in 4.3 by default the Firewall Policy page shows the policy order on the left side. (Column Name " Seq.#" ) You need to enable the " ID" column in the column settings to see where to really move the policy.

Yes that is annoying. I can see why the sequence number is useful but dropping the policy ID in favour of it is not helpful. I was filtering logs for traffic by what I thought was the policy ID. It was instead the sequence number. Took some head scratching to work that out.
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I can confirm that I am using the Policy ID and not the sequence number. Before the upgrade I could move policies in any order irrespective of the interface pair above or below it. Now when I try to move policies below or above a policy ID using a different interface pair it' s throwing an error: Moving a policy from one interface/zone pair to a different interface/zone pair is not permitted But it doesn' t make sense as I am not trying to edit the policy and change the interface pair. I am just changing the rule location!!

It is a bug... I have had the same issue since 4.3.2. From what I know it only happens when you have one or more policies that use the " any" interface. You should be able to move the policy from the CLI. This is my only work around right now.
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Thanks for that. We have figured that out. The secion views are disabled once you have an any interface in one of the rules

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