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New Contributor III

E-Mail Alerts about config sync

Hello everybody. I' ve set up a Fortigate cluster (MR3 Patch5) to send alert emails with interval time 15 minutes and for following issues: HA status change FortiGuard license expiry time (30 days) Now, I' m getting a couple of emails per day, reporting about the in-sync status of the Fortigate cluster: Message meets Alert condition date=2012-06-04 time=06:32:16 devname=FG620B-2 device_id=FG600B3909600549 log_id=0105037903 type=event subtype=ha pri=information vd=" root" msg=" The sync status with the master" sync_type=external-files sync_status=in-sync Is there any way to have those kind of emails only sent when " sync_status=out-sync" ? Thanks and kind regards, F.
New Contributor III

Hello again. I' ve another Fortigate which always tells me with email alerts that the time has been synchronized via NTP. Is there any way to filter what really has to be mailed? Maybe only in CLI? Thanks and regards, F.

I have the same issue. Just upgraded a customer to 4.0 MR2 and seeing these emails now for NTP time adjustments. I can' t imagine why anyone would want to see these.
New Contributor III

Me neither :-) I just stopped using Email Alerts on Fortigate devices. Instead I' m using log-based alerts from the FortiAnalyzer... Works great so far! F.

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