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Dual ISP and dividing ruote for user

hello guys, first of all im sorry for my english


my company have two ISP, question is the fortigate 310B can actually separate each ISP for some user. example vlan 1,2,3 will be going to ISP A and vlan 4,5,6 will be going to ISP B. because i already search about that but just find for dual ISP and make one of them to be redundant



thanks before



Valued Contributor

Yes, You can do policy based routes saying any traffic coming from subnet (vlan) 1,2,3 use WAN1 and 4,5,6 use WAN2.


Throw your two WAN ports in a zone titled OUTSIDE or INTERNET or something like that and your VLANS in a zone called INSIDE or INTERNAL and you can simplify your policy too.

Mike Pruett Fortinet GURU | Fortinet Training Videos

ok i already do that, i made identically policy from INTERNAL to each WAN but why some policy not working properly in other WAN although with another WAN its working well. the policy very similar definitely


i attach the screenshoot about my FG




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