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Cannot View Dashboard

Hi All, When I log on to the admin console via https I do not see the dashboard. Is there any way I can get this available again by using the cmd line? I have tried following the configuration below but when I get to the line ' edit 2' which is the 7th line down I get an error ' Command fail. Return code -361' Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards, JP
New Contributor

Hi, No luck. I am pretty sure that if I could get the memory usage down I could fix this issue. At the moment there is a process forticron which is using nearly 60% of the system memory. I would like to free up this memory without any downtime. JP

Here' s another short term workaround. Create a new administrator user and log in with that account. Different users have different dashboard settings and a new user account may get you access for now.
New Contributor

As the fortigate appears to be in kernal conserve mode at the moment I cannot make any changes, that includes creating a new administrator account. The high memory usage appears to be caused by the process ' forticron' does anyone know if this process can be killed without affecting the function of the router?
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diag sys dashboard reset
Hi jmac, this worked for me, thanks.

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