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Automated Full-config backups

We would like to be able to scheduled automated full-config backups to be offloaded to an FTP server. I do not want to use fortimanager. Is there any other way?

1 Solution


I have automatic Backup with a few simple steps:


1) Create a user with read only privilege in the Fortigate. ie: user backup, password: 1234

2) In a File Share (ie: D:\backup\), put PSCP.EXE  and create a BAT file with this:

set DESTINATION=D:\backup set FECHA=%date:~6,4%%date:~3,2%%date:~0,2% set LOG=D:\backup\backup.log

echo Y|pscp -P 22 -pw 1234 backup@ %DESTINATION%FORTIGATE%FECHA%.conf >> %LOG% is the IP of your Fortigate.

In the BAT file the user and password is stored in clear text, so that's why is necessary a read only user, but if you don't mind, you can use the admin user.


3) Create a schedule task in windows to execute the bat.


In addition:

Just check the SCP is enabled in your Fortigate:

config system global set admin-scp enable


and of course, you have to download pscp:


Hope it helps!

View solution in original post




Any update on your fantastic program ?

I've downloaded the latest version from your homepage (English ver.), but iam unable to start the program on my win10 x64bit system. From the taskmanager i can see the program starts for a few sec. and then disappears again.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.



Fortinet NSE3 Certified

Work in progress: NSE4 

Fortinet NSE3 Certified Work in progress: NSE4
Valued Contributor

You could always create a script on the FortiGate to run every day that will initiate the backup command to send it to a FTP server.


config system auto-script

edit dailybackup

set interval 86400

set repeat 0

set script "execute backup full-config tftp <filename> <ipaddress>"



New Contributor



I have had the script backup function working, but iam missing the feature of adding a timestamp to the file.

Otherwise the backed up file will be overwritten everyday. I would like to have the different versions in my archive.


TuncayBAS program is exactly what iam looking for, and with the promise of a future feature such as "scheduled automated backups" it would be perfect for my situation.   

Fortinet NSE3 Certified

Work in progress: NSE4 

Fortinet NSE3 Certified Work in progress: NSE4

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