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make explict proxy use the x-forwarded-for header as a source

Hello again,


 It's me again with another weird question. Let's start with the objetive. There are two Fortigates on different sites, let's call "FG-A" the local and "FG-B" the remote. FG-B has explict proxy enabled, a collector, and explict proxy policies. FG-A and FG-B are connected via MPLS.


 On FG-B we want to route certain traffic (Office 365, if you may) to another wan connection, and the rest must be forwarded to the explicit proxy on FG-A. My first thought was to use proxy chaining, but i have a problem: the source IP address that FG-B sees is FG-A, not the user. Ok, that's why we use X-Forwarded-For... right? I managed  to add that header using a web-proxy profile, but my problem is that FG-B ignores this header


 Is there a way to make the explicit proxy use the X-Forwarded-For header to take the source IP? Or should i try something else?




PS: Yes, i know that it's an strange solution, but we have some restraints (ie: FG-B is on an ISP, we can just add the other wan connection there).


Esteemed Contributor III

Can you draft a  topoloy? You might want to look at  proxy-PAC files and controls within. This way the client  send to the proxy that you want.


examples are within this blog


I personally hate & try to avoid proxy-chaining due to  the following


1: possible outage if the chain is broke

2: via/xff overlooked,  and proxy-loops

3: add more complexity imho


Proxy-Chaining is beneficial in stable network where the proxy-chain is full  redundant. I 've used polipo and privoxy for this & in  load-balance situation and where user-auth was not a requirement and chaining was need. It worked 100%  and easy to manage the apache-like access.log was easy to parse and crunch as a side benefit.







PCNSE NSE StrongSwan
New Contributor

It is supported in FortiOS 5.6+. Please refer to Page 305 at


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