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how to use MIME filter in Spam

Can someone give me examples on how to use the MIME headers feature in Spam Filter. thanks
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Thank you for following my case ;) I´m still having error using question marks in config spamfilter emailbwl I wanted to set the value " .*\@.*bbs\.com(\.ar)?" just to block some addresses like however, when I type that value I get the following error: (emailbwl)# edit 20 (20)# set email-pattern " .*\@.*bbs\.com(\.ar) token line: Unmatched double quote. (20)# set email-pattern " .*\@.*bbs\.com(\.ar)" (20)# set pattern-type regexp (20)# next I have tested the original expression (containing the question mark) with the highly recommended Regexbuddy succesfully

ORIGINAL: aszujatovich (20)# set email-pattern " .*\@.*bbs\.com(\.ar) token line: Unmatched double quote.
the message error refer to an unmatched double-quotes; it seems to be a stop imposed by the shell, because ? is a reserved word for the CLI. for spamfilter emailbwl you can enter .*\@.*bbs\.com(\.ar)? (no quotes) directly with GUI BTW the question mark after domain " .ar" doesn' t make sense to match anything hope it helps,


/ Abel

regards / Abel

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