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forticlientsslvpn_linux_3.0.389.tar.gz working on Linux 64 bits?

Hi there! Trying to make this runing, I' ve using forticlient on fedora 12 32 bits without a problem, just worked fine! But i' m getting this error every time i launch forticlientsslvpn error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory If I do rpm -qa " *gtk*' I get python-slip-gtk-0.2.7-1.fc12.noarch gtkmm24-2.18.1-1.fc12.x86_64 pygtk2-2.16.0-1.fc12.x86_64 GConf2-gtk-2.28.0-2.fc12.x86_64 libgtk-java-2.8.7-13.fc12.x86_64 libcanberra-gtk2-0.22-1.fc12.x86_64 pygtksourceview-2.8.0-1.fc12.x86_64 gtk-vnc-0.3.10-1.fc12.x86_64 libgtkhotkey-0.2.1-3.fc12.x86_64 gtk-doc-1.11-5.fc12.noarch gtksourceview2-2.8.1-1.fc12.x86_64 clutter-gtk-0.10.2-1.fc12.x86_64 gtk2-engines-2.18.4-4.fc12.x86_64 gnome-python2-gtkhtml2-2.25.3-14.fc12.x86_64 gtk2-immodule-xim-2.18.6-3.fc12.x86_64 pygtk2-libglade-2.16.0-1.fc12.x86_64 ibus-gtk- gtk2-2.18.6-3.fc12.x86_64 gtk2-devel-2.18.6-3.fc12.x86_64 libchamplain-gtk-0.4.2-1.fc12.x86_64 PackageKit-gtk-module-0.5.4-0.1.20091029git.fc12.x86_64 gtkhtml2-2.11.1-6.fc12.x86_64 pinentry-gtk-0.7.6-4.fc12.x86_64 libgtksourceviewmm-0.3.1-5.fc12.x86_64 gtk-sharp2-2.12.9-1.fc12.x86_64 gtkspell-2.0.15-2.fc12.x86_64 gtksourceview-1.8.5-7.fc12.x86_64 libgtkhotkey-devel-0.2.1-3.fc12.x86_64 libgtk-java-devel-2.8.7-13.fc12.x86_64 authconfig-gtk-5.4.13-1.fc12.x86_64 webkitgtk- gtkhtml3-3.28.2-1.fc12.x86_64 usermode-gtk-1.102-1.fc12.x86_64 xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.8-4.fc12.x86_64 Ieha! that' s a lot of gtk packages!! Any idea ?? do you think i should try with 32 bits gtk-2.0 package ?? Thanks!!

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
run `ldd <forticlienssl_path>/forticlientsslvpn` command as root the libraries and dependencies needed to run the binary will be printed out. if something is missing, it will be printed too. is included generally within gtk2-devel package, but it seems you have it installed; run `ldconfig` or check your /etc/ settings. btw, you could try with 4.0.2073 version of forticlientsslvpn, also compiled against gtk2-devel for better results


/ Abel

regards / Abel
Not applicable

I' ve done all that already... ---- ldd forticlientsslvpn shows this missing libraries => not found => not found Hapyy to know that gtk2-devel contains the dependencies its looking for.... but still no idea what' s woing on For the last comment, i' ve got another cuestion. Where can i found the forticlient 4.X for linux 64 bits ? I could not find in the web, sorry about all the cuestions i have!!!

ldd forticlientsslvpn shows this missing libraries => not found => not found
under fedora 12, is included with gtk2-2.18.6-3.fc12.i686 your above rpm list shows that you' ve installed gtk2-2.18.6-3 but it cannot be loaded by forticlientsslvpn at runtime, so, or your it' s not updated or it cannot see /usr/lib/ If the binary cannot run under 64bits, it will shows another error message; Try to fix this dependences and retry; No , there' s no available separate binaries for 64 or 32 bits for forticlientsslvpn; under Support FTP Fortinet site you' ve SSLVPN clients; look under FortiGate/v4.00/4.0MR1/4.0MR1/SSL VPN Clients directory.


/ Abel

regards / Abel

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