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New Contributor III

disable SIP-ALG

Hi, we preparing to implement VoIP in our company and our service provider told us that our router must meet the following requirements: 1. correct support for NAPT (RFC2663) - I believe that here will no problem 2. disabled SIP-ALG - no details VoIP will be used on FGT100D with FOS5.0 patch 4. Traffic should pass from VoIP phones in our internal network (int) to PBX in our service provider (wan1) and vice-versa. I found some instruction how to disable SIP-ALG here (this instruction doesn' t come from our service provider) but I need your advice: is this instruction worthy to implement?

FGT60B, FGT100A, FGT100D

FGT60B, FGT100A, FGT100D
New Contributor

We followed those same instructions and VOIP is working fine for us.
New Contributor III

Thanks Bunce

FGT60B, FGT100A, FGT100D

FGT60B, FGT100A, FGT100D
New Contributor

Why disable the SIP-ALG? If you dont apply a voip profile to your policy, then the fortigate will use the session-helper rather than the SIP-ALG. Or am i missing something else here? " SIP sessions using port 5060 accepted by a security policy that does not include a VoIP profile are processed by the SIP session helper." " You apply the SIP ALG to SIP traffic by adding a VoIP profile with SIP enabled to a security policy that accepts SIP traffic. The SIP session helper is automatically bypassed by traffic accepted by a security policy that includes a VoIP profile." Thanks Nico

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