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Youtube on Firewall Policy

Hi, I present the situation as below:

  1. I create acces files Firewall Policy to WAN by FSSO user.
  2. Was created  users’ suitable category  [Web Filter] (access_level_1, access_level_2 … access_level_5  with restricted access (e.g. radio streaming, social media, cloud drivers).
  3. For each policy  [Firewall Policy] (example access_1, access_2 … access_5  was created  users’ suitable category  [Web Filter] (access_level_1, access_level_2 … access_level_5  with restricted access (e.g. radio streaming, social media, cloud drivers).
  4. Problem, which I can’t solve is that users with full access  (access_level_5)   have filtered YouTube content. Some of videos are not searched, comments below do not load. Info from YouTube is like this: “Some results have been removed because your network administrator has enabled Restricted Mode.”.


Web Filter access_level_5 as follow:

  • Feature set: Proxy-based
  • FortiGuard Category Based Filter: Allow 
    • Security Risk - Block
  • Serch Engines –  all blocked
  • Static URL Filter – all blocked
  • Rating Options – enabled Allow website when a rating error occurs
  • Proxy Options – Allow only HTTP POST Action

In Logs Forward Traffic and Web Filter there is no information about the reason why videos are blocked. In logs there is info that traffic is going by [Firewall Policy] access_5  policy – which is right.


Could you help me to find the reason of this situation?

New Contributor II



Sorry but I can't find this information in your post, maybe you need to unable "Restrict YouTube Access" in your WebFilter.




Hi, all is disabled.


2023-08-29 102349.png

New Contributor II



I have already use FSSO in the past. Sometimes, my first FSSO rule doesn't work correctly and some packets match in another policy below my FSSO policy.


You can try to add a "backup" policy without FSSO with all permissions below your FSSO rules, with this solution you can see what you need to add in your FSSO policy "level 5"




Can you double check which policy is getting applied for youtube traffic for those users, either safe search or restricted mode should do this setup
if you keep plain policy (no utm) with the same fsso users as source are you still facing the same issue, if yes there is high chance youtube traffic is going through different policy.


Hi @SebastianRozycki ,


As a troubleshooting action plan please check whether applied policy has the hit count.

Further you can check the traffic log and ensure if the traffic is passed through intended firewall policy.



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