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Windows updates getting blocked

Hi All, Whats the best way to allow the Windows Updates through, looks like the A/V scan is blocking them. Trouble is the Windows updates server does not always use the same IP address, if it did you could add in a firewall rule not to scan it. Any ideas ? Thanks
New Contributor

check the following: 1. have you blocked the URL under Web Filter > URL Block? 2. look at Anti-virus > File Block is *.dll and/or *.vb? blocked under HTTP? 3. does your Protection Profile block the Microsoft updates? there are other points but this is all I have time for.....


[align=left]*auto-sig*   rb400 << FGT (v6.2.x) [/align]
[align=left]*auto-sig* rb400 << FGT (v6.2.x) [/align]
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Thanks for the update guys We do not have web filtering enabled, does adding web exempt make any difference then ? I think the update files are being blocked, by the A/V function. Ff we leave VB and Dll files in will they be left in from all sources. Anyone else have this problem ?
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I would not turn any filtering off go into Web Filter -> URL Exempt add and they keep renaming it but this will bypass all filters and allow it to work also make sure in the Firewall -> Protection Profiles-> Web filtering -> web url exempt list is check
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URL exempt can be turned on by itself the rest of web filtering does not need to be turned on or off. but note that url exempt bypasses all filters including AV

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