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Whitelist email addresses

What is the proper way to whitelist a domain address ? For instance I want to whitelist any emails coming from I have tried this several ways and these messages are still being tagged as SPAM. * Wildcard Clear *.solvport\.com reg ex Clear Trouble is I have to wait for another message to find out if the whitelist is working or not.. if someone could club me over the head with the proper format to whitelist a domain I' d greatly appreciate it. I wish the help section had some more and better examples of how to do just a basic whitelist entry..

Try: /solvport\.com/i as Regexp ' *' has different meaning in regexp and wildcard; in general ' *' beggining match expression it' s not a good idea.


/ Abel

regards / Abel
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So which is better? Do wildcards work 100% or are they hit and miss. Do perl expressions work better? I am just wondering because I whitelisted a few domains on mine with wildcards and I think that some e-mails from those domains are still being tagged as spam.

ORIGINAL: Schooner So which is better? Do wildcards work 100% or are they hit and miss. Do perl expressions work better?
I don' t know if that question is useful. Regexp brings to you granularity ' at extreme' ; you can match accurately everything you need with regexp; the drawback is learning curve. Wildcard are just that; simpler, if the job is done, ok, but if not...


/ Abel

regards / Abel
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You' re right... I was wondering if wildcards were perhaps not as accurate because I hadn' t configured mine to be used within a protection profile. I now understand that they are just two different methods of filtering.
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I only use the regexp.
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Well I just figured out that I needed to associate my BWL with a protection profile... that' s why my wildcard statements weren' t working. I have been looking at the perl expressions though... I think I might start using those instead.
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Does regexp require more CPU processing or any other resource than wildcard?
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I have tried to add below configuration but some of my email are still being tagged as SPAM. /rodalink\.com/i as Regexp /polygoncycle\.com/i as Regexp Is there any configuration that I need to check of? Fyi, I used F-100A with FortiOS 3.000. Thanks, Donny Christiaan.

Is there any configuration that I need to check of? Fyi, I used F-100A with FortiOS 3.000.
Assuming that your protection profile is checking Black/White List and it' s indeed applied to the relevant incoming SMTP firewall policy, the issue may be trickier: AS logs should give you a key about this; Look the AS filter order at: Whitelisting email address applies after RBL/Fortiguard/Helo DNS lookup/IP address BWL; Maybe those another filters are catching those incoming mails. As said above, check AS logs for the clue.


/ Abel

regards / Abel

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