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Block video / audio/ tv steaming from http / https

hi all, How can i block streaming video / audio / tv from websites (http/https)? Thanks in advance. Best Regards Aris

In the protection profile for FortiGuard Web Filtering there is a category of Potentially Bandwidth Consuming that has Internet Audio and TV. There may be others you will also want to turn on. Enable the Enable FortiGuard Web Filtering for HTTP and HTTPS. Don' t forget to enable it in the firewall policy.
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Make sure you enable it in the top policy, it you enable it other than than it may not work as intended
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Hi All, I am using the FortiGuard Web Filtering on a 300A. I have the Internet Radio and TV blocked in my Protection Profile. It is currently the only LAN > WAN Firewall Policy. Some streaming audio sites are blocked as expected, but MLB GameDay Audio seems to bypass the block. Does anyone have a workaround for streaming audio that for some reason is not being blocked based on the Protection Profile selections? TIA
Valued Contributor III

You could add that as a custom rating, and set it for deny. Insert that into your Protection Profile under Fortigard Web Filtering.

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!
See my Fortigate related scripts at:

Bob - self proclaimed posting junkie!See my Fortigate related scripts at:

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