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New Contributor II

Webfilter Loggin Issue

Hi, My 1240B running 4.0 RM3 patch 11 software and I have enabled WebFilter -> URLFilter to block the access to "" . It works but my 1240B generate webfilter log message for each outgoing http access. I have check all configuration options and don' t know how to make webfilter log the " bad access" only. Could you tell me how to exclude the normal HTTP access from the webfilter log? # The inspection mode is " flow-based" # FortiGuard Categories is not selected, I use URL filter only.
Honored Contributor

In the webfilter profile, disable " Log all URLs" if it is enabled.

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C
New Contributor II

Hi Dave, Thanks for your help. But I using " flow based" inspection mode, the " Log all URLs" checkbox is hidden by the sytsem.
New Contributor II

I found that, I am not able to post the reply message when Web-Filter enabled. When I press " OK" button to post the reply, the Fortinet Webfilter blocked it... I need to add fortinet to the allow list ? ##### The URL you requested has been blocked The page you have requested has been blocked, because the URL is banned. URL = Webfilter Loggin Issue& ##### Regards, Jacky

no, just ONE way to keep bug reports to a minimum...
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!

OK, back to work: in UTM Profiles > Web Filter > Profile, - uncheck ' Log all URLs' - uncheck ' FortiGuard Categories' as well if you don' t use them - in ' Advanced Filter' , check ' Web URL Filter' and select the URL filter you' ve defined before That should do it.
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
Ede Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler!
New Contributor II

Hi Ede, Both " Log all URLs" and " FortiGuard Categories" are unchecked. But I selected " Flow-based" inspection mode. From the WebFilter log viewer, I still can see all URL which has been visited. Regards, Jacky

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