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Web-traffic = No Data in report.

Hello. I' m running FZA latest version, (v5.0 patch5), and when i trying to take out a report och even using the ' Drill down' - menu, under ' Web Activity' i just get ' No Data' . All the other reports / drill down works like a charm. But i dont get any data from the Web-statistics/Web-filter But, if i enter the ' Log View' , and hit ' Security' then Web Filter, i have plenty of logs there. Both BLOCKED and PASSTHROUGH-traffic. But they never kinda go over to the ' report' or drill down. Anyone have any idea how to solve this ? //Mikey
Contributor II

In your web filter profile, choose Monitor action .

2 FGT 100D  + FTK200

3 FGT 60E  FAZ VM  some FAP 210B/221C/223C/321C/421E

2 FGT 100D + FTK200 3 FGT 60E FAZ VM some FAP 210B/221C/223C/321C/421E
New Contributor

I have the same issue. Although it seemed to work for a while, right now I only get data in the Drill Down menu if I choose Top Applications, but when I choose Most Popular Websites and Visitors I get nothing. I should say I get 7 hits if I choose " Last 1 Day" , but this is a very busy FG600 and I can see lots of web traffic in the log view.

Good day, There was an issue which resulted in this behaviour on 5.0.5 which has been resolved, I believe, on 5.0.6 which is now available. Please do indeed ensure that your webfilter profiles are using action=monitor, not action=accept. Accept in our world means to allow and no log the category, and thus is rarely used. HTH, Mat

-- Mathieu Nantel Systems Engineer / Conseiller Technique - Fortinet Montreal, QC

Valued Contributor

Hi, 1) Set the webfilter profile to Monitor/Block. 2) Set extended-utm-log enable and set the new options to enable. 3) Ensure that you have both traffic and webfilter logs filled with logs and hostname is filled in the both logs. Than the drilldown for web will work.



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