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Vpn issue

We have two locations.. One location have sonicwall and another location fortigate 90D...sonicwall location has 2 network 100, 70 network.... Fortinet side one network ...from fortinet firewall not able to reach both network..but if add one network it is work...but at the same time not able to reach both location.. Routing also checked...can suggest me any configuration need in fortinet firewall...
New Contributor

Hi Ravi,


I assume the VPN is up, since you have two subnet on sonicwall then in this case you need add two phase II (one for each destination subnet i.e. 100 & 70) on the Fortigate VPN setting.


Secondly you need two two static routes for destination 100 & 70 subnet on the Fortigate side.


Lastly, you need to add both the subnet to address group & use in the policy section.


Hope this will help you resolve the issue



Yousuf Shareef


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