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VPN port

Just looking for ideas on other's approaches:

Our VPN SSL portal is functioning well.


We encountered an issue the other day when one of our users was apparently trying to connect at one of their client's sites. We're using 10443, which we feel flies well under the radar of most port scanners.


To accommodate this situation, we are considering changing the port. We don't have an additional public IP available for using 443, which is being used for webmail interface.


So, what are y'all using? 



Contributor III

It doesn't matter what you set. Tools like nmap scans all ports. You can improve a security a bit by using geography objects (with IP) to limit who is allowed to initiate the VPN connection.


Thanks. I understand what you are saying, but that was not my question. I don't really care what port I use. 


I just happened to choose 10443. On one of his client visits, the LAN admin was apparently blocking that port even on their guest network.


So, all I'm asking what port others may be using....


I'd change management port for non-default and leave tcp/443 for sslvpn


Thanks again. Per original post: 443 used for Outlook web access. Not looking for technical answer,  just opinion 

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