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New Contributor III

VDOM and 40C

Hi there Does anyone know why VDOMs are no longer available in the combination FortiOS 5+FortiGate 40C? I could not find the information anywhere other than a remark in this forum that it is no longer available, but it would be interesting to know before I downgrade my 40C... Thanks
Kind regards, Jaap
Kind regards, Jaap
Esteemed Contributor III

How are you trying to enable vdoms? btw: the fortigate 40C is one of the smallest fgt and if you need vdoms, in a SOHO gear, you might be using the appliance for the wrong need. IIRC the product sheet shows 10/10 default/max in this model, but I would hate to see the network that needs 10 vdoms in this model




PCNSE NSE StrongSwan
Honored Contributor

I have also checked the product matrix guide (revised Dec 2012) and it still shows 10/10 VDOMS. The update notes for FortiOS 5.x doesn' t indicate anything missing VDOM wise from the 40C either.

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C
New Contributor III

I only need to enable two VDOMs and the manual says it supports it, so I was wondering why in version 5 the 40C no longer does. I have followed the handbook at but neither the GUI nor the console commands to enable VDOMs are accessible. I can apparently only create VLANs, using console commands. Which means the VDOM handbook is wrong. From the guide: The information in this guide applies to all FortiGate units. All FortiGate models except the FortiGate-30B model support VDOMs, and all FortiGate models support VLANs.
Kind regards, Jaap
Kind regards, Jaap
Honored Contributor

Have confirmed by upgrading the firmware on my little Wifi 40C that fortinet has disabled all VDOM support under FortiOS5.x. What I did... 1. Upgraded the firmware to 4.0MR 3-patch 10. 2. Performed a factory reset. 3. Enabled VDOMS. 4. Upgraded to 5.1 (patch 1). 5. Received several errors on the console (see below). 6. Performed a factory reset. 7. Attempted to enable VDOMs -- discovered no VDOM support commands exist at the CLI level. 8. downgraded the firmware back to 4.0MR3-patch10. Shame that...I originally purchased the Fortiwifi 40C because it was the only low-end model with VDOM support. Looks like I will not be upgrading this unit to firmware 5.0x. BTW noticed from factory reset, FortiOS5.0 eats up 10% more memory than 4.0MR3-patch10.
 Checking new firmware integrity ... pass
 Firmware upgrade in progress ...
 The system is going down NOW !!
 Please stand by while rebooting the system.
 Restarting system.
 FortiWifi-40C (11:21-11.28.2011)
 Serial number: FWF40CXXXXXXXXX
 CPU(00): 525MHz
 Total RAM: 512MB
 Initializing boot device...
 Initializing MAC... nplite#0
 Press any key to display configuration menu...
 Reading boot image... 1705021 bytes.
 Initializing firewall...
 System is starting...
 Too many entries in all tables of .vpn.ssl.web.portal in vdom root: 1 / vdom-max = 1
 Too many entries in all tables of .vpn.ssl.web.portal in vdom root: 1 / vdom-max = 1
 Too many entries in all tables of .endpoint-control.profile in vdom root: 1 / vdom-max = 1
 Too many entries in all tables of .endpoint-control.profile in vdom root: 1 / vdom-max = 1
 Too many entries in all tables of .endpoint-control.profile in vdom root: 1 / vdom-max = 1
 The config file may contain errors,
 Please see details by the command ' diagnose debug config-error-log read' 
 FWF40CXXXXXXXXX login: admin
 Welcome !
 FWF40CXXXXXXXXX # diag debug config-error-log read
 >>>  " set"  " vdom-admin"  " enable"  @ parse error (error -61)
 >>>  " set"  " wanoptgrp"  " read-write"  @ global.system.accprofile.prof_admin:command parse error (error -6                                                                                                                                      1)
 >>>  " config"  " system"  " replacemsg"  " webproxy"  " deny"  @ global:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " system"  " replacemsg"  " webproxy"  " user-limit"  @ global:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " system"  " replacemsg"  " webproxy"  " auth-challenge"  @ global:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " system"  " replacemsg"  " webproxy"  " auth-login-fail"  @ global:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " system"  " replacemsg"  " webproxy"  " auth-authorization-fail"  @ global:command parse error (                                                                                                                                      error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " system"  " replacemsg"  " webproxy"  " http-err"  @ global:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " wanopt"  " storage"  @ global:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " firewall"  " shaper"  " traffic-shaper"  @ root:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " edit"  " web-access"  @ root.vpn.ssl.web.portal:failed command (error -4)
 >>>  " edit"  " tunnel-access"  @ root.vpn.ssl.web.portal:failed command (error -4)
 >>>  " set"  " group-type"  " fsso-service"  @ command (error -160)
 >>>  " set"  " options"  " https-scan"  @ root.webfilter.profile.default:failed command (error -160)
 >>>  " set"  " category"  " 32"  @ root.webfilter.profile.default.ftgd-wf.filters.11:value parse error (error                                                                                                                                       -600)
 >>>  " config"  " endpoint-control"  " app-detect"  " rule-list"  @ root:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " edit"  " Recommend_FortiClient"  @ root.endpoint-control.profile:failed command (error -4)
 >>>  " edit"  " Enforce_FortiClient_AV"  @ root.endpoint-control.profile:failed command (error -4)
 >>>  " edit"  " P2P_application_detection"  @ root.endpoint-control.profile:failed command (error -4)
 >>>  " config"  " https"  @ root.antivirus.profile.default:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " imaps"  @ root.antivirus.profile.default:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " pop3s"  @ root.antivirus.profile.default:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " smtps"  @ root.antivirus.profile.default:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " firewall"  " service"  " explicit-web"  @ root:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " wanopt"  " rule"  @ root:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " connected"  @ command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " static"  @ command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " ospf"  @ command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " bgp"  @ command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " isis"  @ command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " router"  " ripng"  @ root:command parse error (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " connected"  @ root.router.ospf:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " static"  @ root.router.ospf:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " rip"  @ root.router.ospf:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " bgp"  @ root.router.ospf:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " isis"  @ root.router.ospf:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " connected"  @ root.router.ospf6:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " static"  @ root.router.ospf6:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " rip"  @ root.router.ospf6:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " bgp"  @ root.router.ospf6:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " isis"  @ root.router.ospf6:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " connected"  @ root.router.bgp:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " rip"  @ root.router.bgp:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " ospf"  @ root.router.bgp:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " static"  @ root.router.bgp:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " isis"  @ root.router.bgp:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute6"  " connected"  @ root.router.bgp:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute6"  " rip"  @ root.router.bgp:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute6"  " ospf"  @ root.router.bgp:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute6"  " static"  @ root.router.bgp:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute6"  " isis"  @ root.router.bgp:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " connected"  @ root.router.isis:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " rip"  @ root.router.isis:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " ospf"  @ root.router.isis:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " bgp"  @ root.router.isis:failed command (error 1)
 >>>  " config"  " redistribute"  " static"  @ root.router.isis:failed command (error 1)
 Checking new firmware integrity ... pass
 Firmware downgrade in progress ...
 The system is going down NOW !!
 Please stand by while rebooting the system.
 Restarting system.
 FortiWifi-40C (11:21-11.28.2011)
 Serial number: FWF40CXXXXXXXXX
 CPU(00): 525MHz
 Total RAM: 512MB
 Initializing boot device...
 Initializing MAC... nplite#0
 Press any key to display configuration menu...
 Reading boot image... 1796255 bytes.
 Initializing firewall...
 System is started.
 The config file may contain errors,
 Please see details by the command ' diagnose debug config-error-log read' 

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C
Esteemed Contributor III

May I direct you to the follow Go the enabling vdom and let us know how your executing the vdoms. Also what does " get sys status" show you




PCNSE NSE StrongSwan
Honored Contributor

I myself have already spent the evening going through the documents in question. Have actually flashed the 5.1 patch 1 firmware twice. Under 5.x, the Virtual Domain VDOMs allowed section is completely missing from the License Information. Executing...
config system global
 set vdom-admin enable
Just returns an error message at " set vdom-admin enable" ... While in " config system global" , I issued a " set ?" doesn' t show any vdom commands.
FWF40CXXXXXXXXXX # get sys status
 Version: FortiWiFi-40C v5.0,build0147,121221 (GA Patch 1)
 Virus-DB: 16.00560(2012-10-19 08:31)
 Extended DB: 1.00000(2012-10-17 15:46)
 IPS-DB: 3.00249(2012-10-11 02:47)
 IPS-ETDB: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00)
 Serial-Number: FWF40CXXXXXXXXXX
 Botnet DB: 1.00000(2012-05-28 22:51)
 BIOS version: 04000004
 System Part-Number: P08928-05
 Log hard disk: Available
 Internal Switch mode: switch
 Operation Mode: NAT
 FIPS-CC mode: disable
 Current HA mode: standalone
 Branch point: 147
 Release Version Information: GA Patch 1
 System time: Tue Jan  8 22:02:37 2013

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C
Honored Contributor

No problems enabling VDOMS under MR3 Patch 10....
 FWF40CXXXXXXXXXX # get sys status
 Version: FortiWiFi-40C v4.0,build0639,120906 (MR3 Patch 10)
 Virus-DB: 14.00000(2011-08-24 17:17)
 Extended DB: 14.00000(2011-08-24 17:09)
 IPS-DB: 3.00150(2012-02-15 23:15)
 FortiClient application signature package: 1.131(2013-01-08 22:15)
 Serial-Number: FWF40CXXXXXXXXXX
 BIOS version: 04000004
 System Part-Number: P08928-05
 Log hard disk: Available
 Internal Switch mode: switch
 Operation Mode: NAT
 Current virtual domain: root
 Max number of virtual domains: 10
 Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode
 Virtual domain configuration: enable
 FIPS-CC mode: disable
 Current HA mode: standalone
 Distribution: International
 Branch point: 639
 Release Version Information: MR3 Patch 10
 System time: Tue Jan  8 22:19:36 2013
FWF40CXXXXXXXXXX # get sys status Version: FortiWiFi-40C v5.0,build0147,121221 (GA Patch 1) Virus-DB: 16.00560(2012-10-19 08:31) Extended DB: 1.00000(2012-10-17 15:46) IPS-DB: 3.00249(2012-10-11 02:47) IPS-ETDB: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00) Serial-Number: FWF40CXXXXXXXXXX Botnet DB: 1.00000(2012-05-28 22:51) BIOS version: 04000004 System Part-Number: P08928-05 Log hard disk: Available Internal Switch mode: switch Hostname: FWF40CXXXXXXXXX Operation Mode: NAT FIPS-CC mode: disable Current HA mode: standalone Branch point: 147 Release Version Information: GA Patch 1 System time: Tue Jan 8 22:02:37 2013 FWF40CXXXXXXXXXX #

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C

NSE4/FMG-VM64/FortiAnalyzer-VM/6.0 (FWF30E/FW92D/FGT200D/FGT101E/FGT81E)/ FAP220B/221C
Valued Contributor

VDOMs have been removed from the 40C in FortiOS 5.0 The first model to support them is the 60C

FortiGate 200A/B, 224B, 110C, 100A/D, 80C/CM/Voice, 60B/C/CX/D, 50B, 40C, 30B
FortiAnalyzer 100B, 100C
FortiMail 100,100C
FortiManager VM
FortiAuthenticator VM
FortiAP 220B/221B, 11C

FCNSA, FCNSP---FortiGate 200A/B, 224B, 110C, 100A/D, 80C/CM/Voice, 60B/C/CX/D, 50B, 40C, 30BFortiAnalyzer 100B, 100CFortiMail 100,100CFortiManager VMFortiAuthenticator VMFortiTokenFortiAP 220B/221B, 11C
New Contributor III

Thanks Dave, Selective, emnoc. I think Dave' s tests clearly indicated that VDOMs indeed have been removed for the 40C in Version 5. That poses two questions: - What was the reason behind the removal of the VDOM functionality for that particular combination? - Why wasn' t the documentation updated to reflect this? Is anyone from Fortinet available to answer this?
Kind regards, Jaap
Kind regards, Jaap
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