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Urgent helps needed!! Unable to login

Hi all, I have forgotten the fortigate admin password and unable to login. Info: fortigate 50A All helps appreciated
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I saw same problem on FGT60. The only way I found when maintainer didn' t work - boot and download of firmware from tftp. It will erase any configuration and will reset the machine to default settings, so you will need to restore your saved configuration from some backup.
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And it' s impossible to reset the fortigate while opening the box, cause i have seen a jumper and a battery ??
New Contributor

I have been told many times that " this process doesn' t work" , yet every time I have been in front of the dysfunctional box it worked just fine for me. In your examples above, bcpbFG100A3806205245 would be the password for the maintainer account.
FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT
FCSE > FCNSP 2.8 > FCNSP 3.0 (Former) FCT
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On small boxes it does not work well, I have check it on few FGT60. Anyway, if configuration backup is available and not encrypted there is a way to recover after you have the box reflashed from TFTP: You need to open configuration backup with a wordpad, then locate next part of configuration: ------snip------------------ config system admin edit " admin" set accprofile " super_admin" config dashboard edit " sysinfo" set column 1 next edit " licinfo" set column 1 next edit " jsconsole" set column 1 next edit " sysres" set column 1 next edit " sysop" set column 2 next edit " alert" set column 2 next edit " statistics" set column 2 next end set vdom " root" set password ENC $1$2a9fb41d7$wiThGEC3Fbjnlv/Nnh91m. next -----------snip----------- replace ENC $1$2a9fb41d7$wiThGEC3Fbjnlv/Nnh91m. with " 123" save as different filename Now restore the " configuration" file. Logon as admin with password 123. I just tested it with FGT60 (MR4) - reset to default, then recover of patched configuration and I got my FGT60 back.... maintainer, by the way, does not work on it....
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ithin the first 2 minutes of the unit powering up (not reboot, full power down cycle). Do the following steps:
Many thanks I have reset the fortigate while uploading a new firmware by tftp. Great support. ps: scuse my bad english.

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