Yes I guess you could, but why would you do that? Would be my 1st question & it would be a nightmare to do this per-ip imho
You would need to do something like this, but keep in mind the bps values are limited by the model/OS version from what I recall. I don' t think you could write a 40mbps per-ip-shaper
config firewall shaper per-ip-shaper
edit " 1m"
set action log
set bps 1000000
FWWI: I typically build
traffic-shaper and rate limit by protocol/service outbound to ensure low priority traffic doesn' t exhaust my WAN uplinks or set prioritization for critical services/applications. Or to ensure critical traffic is not starved such as VoIP.
edit " DNS_PORT53"
set guaranteed-bandwidth 200
set maximum-bandwidth 500
set per-policy enable
edit " ICMP-rate"
set maximum-bandwidth 15
set per-policy enable
set priority low
edit " generic-udp-rate"
set guaranteed-bandwidth 1000
set maximum-bandwidth 1250
set per-policy enable
set priority low
edit " dns-udp-rate"
set action none
set guaranteed-bandwidth 512000
set maximum-bandwidth 768000
set per-policy disable
set priority high
Keep in mind guaranteed and maxiumum bw values, the latter can' t below lower than the 1st value.
I would suggest you download the current shaping guide for your OS version and review the options.