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New Contributor III

Some https website can' t be accessed...

Hi, Since last day afternoon, it' s so strange that some staff cannot access to the https website like the e-banking, webmail via https...etc. This case is happened since last afternoon, the one would keep failed to access to the same https website if he found it' s failed since last afternoon, but some other https websites are working properly~ Even the same https website he can' t be accessed to, other staff may able to access.... so it' s not talking about the issues of the https website... I have no idea now... even both of the DNS server and FG are rebooted, the result is the same~ Anyone could help and give some direction? Thanks!!
Protect yourself~ MBCS CEH FCNSA
Protect yourself~ MBCS CEH FCNSA
Not applicable

Daniel, Do you have Deep Scan active or any proxy (specially freegate) blocked on application control? I had some application control problems with some specific bank sites. It was partially solved when we had set freegate to pass, then setted the whole proxy category to block.
Not applicable

rwpatterson I just saw your post. Guess you are right. Maybe start a new thread is the best way to get some help. Thanks!
New Contributor III

It seems lots of people affected by this issue~ Does the one from Fortinet will keep monitoring this forum? I found his reply long time ago.... anyway, the issue in my case is fixed AFTER I upgraded my 300A box to v4.0.3,build0106 and the IPS version is 2.728~ This experience asking me to have a more detailed study in the Application Control, and maybe the Endpoint Control; both are not fully go through yet~
Protect yourself~ MBCS CEH FCNSA
Protect yourself~ MBCS CEH FCNSA

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