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Contributor II

Security Log / Web Filter to filter by Source IP Adress

I would like to be able to filter the Web Filter log data by a specific Source IP address. There is no filter (funnel) icon by the title of this column. In fact there are no filter (funnel) icons on any of the column headers for the Web Filter log data. Is it possible to filter like this? What am I missing? Using FortiCloud as the log location. Using FortiWiFi 60D, 5.2.0 build 0589 Thanks!

Hello, It' s possible you don' t have that option enabled in the GUI, but it should definitely exist. Does the source ip column show up at all? Are there filter icons above the other column headers?
Contributor II

Thanks Warren. I see columns titled #, Date/Time, User, Source, Action, URL, Category Description, Initiator, & Sent / Received. No, none of these columns have the filter icon displayed. You mentioned that the option may not be enabled. Can you tell me what option this might be? I do see the filter icons when I go to Log & Report/Log Config/Log Settings and change the drop down from FortiCloud to FortiAnalyzer. With the FortiAnalyzer setting though there is no data displayed to filter. With FortiCloud selected there is a lot of data but on the Web Filter page no filter icons.
Contributor II

I have still not been able to solve this mystery. Does anyone know how to display the filter icons to allow us to filter the columns? This firewall was upgraded to 5.2.2 but the same issue persists.




I have that case before, try disabling sending logs to forticloud,instead use memory. Under Log&Report will see funnel inorder or you to filter by source ip add.kindly give a try

Fortigate Newbie

Fortigate Newbie
Contributor II



Thanks. Yes, that does correct the view. When I switch the storage of Logging and Archiving to Memory, and switch GUI Preferences / Display Logs From Memory, the filtering reappears. Though when I switch back to FortiCloud for these two settings the filtering option disappears. Is this by design, a configuration error that I have made, or is it a bug?


im not quite sure if its bug,design or misconfiguration. in my point of view its by design I guess :)

Fortigate Newbie

Fortigate Newbie


did you find a solution for this?





Same problem is happening here.

Any updates?



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