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New Contributor III

SSO with Keycloak SAML

Has anyone ever managed to connect a Fortigate with SSO/SAML using Keycloak? For Login Administrators.

I have already spent many days with it and failed in all directions. UCS is used as the Keycloak backend (LDAP)

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Hi @fireon 

Have you checked the below documentation this is used with FMG/FAZ, but it may help to crosscheck with your configurations.


Hi @fireon,


Are you getting any error messages? Are you getting redirected to the SAML login page? Please refer to this article to collect debugs:



New Contributor III

Thanks for the links, i will test it next week and give you feedback. 

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Always on /dev/zvol
New Contributor

Hello Fireon,


Have you find a way to do connect your fortigate to keycloak IDP ?

Do you have any advice to share ?


Best regards,


New Contributor III

Unfortunately not. I also tried to solve it directly with Fortis Support. It is certainly possible, but this would probably require bringing Forti + Keycloak/Univention together and letting them work.

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Always on /dev/zvol
New Contributor

@fireon , @Julien_Dbs 


In case you guys have not figured it out by now anyway. Here is what I came up with when trying my own luck yesterday with this. I did not do the deep dive yet. Just wanted a working prototype and have not done any tweaks or followed best practices yet. 


1. Import your KC Realm certificate as remote certificate into gate

2. Security-Fabric - Fabric Connectors Single Sign-On Settings:

Mode Service Provider (SP)

SP address: fortigateurl.yourdomain:yourport

Default login page: up to you (would not change to sso until tested at least)

default admin profile admin_no_access (I want to provision myself)

IdP type: Custom

IdP cert: chose the previously importet one

IdP entity ID https://yourkeycloakurl/auth/realms/realmname 

IdP single sign-on URL https://yourkeycloakurl/auth/realms/realmname/protocol/saml

IdP single logout URL https://yourkeycloakurl/auth/realms/realmname/protocol/saml



KeyCloak (26)


Client-ID http://fortigateurl.yourdomain:yourport/metadata/ 

Name Up to you

Valid redirect URIs https://fortigateurl.yourdomain:yourport/* 

Master SAML Processing URL https://fortigateurl.yourdomain:yourport/saml/login

Name ID format username

Force POST binding On

Include AuthnStatement ON

Sign documents ON

Signature Algo RSA_SHA256

SAML signature key name KEY_ID

Canonicalization method EXCLUSIVE

Front channel logout On



Signing keys config Off


Client Scopes:

remove role_list

New mapper (earlier keycloak mapper tab):

type User Property

Name username

Property username

friendly name username

SAML Attribute Name username

SAML Attribute NameFormat Unspecified


Back on fgt: system - administrators - create new - sso admin: chose a name that matches your Keycloak federated user


Works perfectly on my POC fgt.

Hope it helps you guys or whoever may come across this later on


New Contributor

I'm trying to enable SAML with Keycloak to authenticate outbound navigation on a VLAN using Captive Portal.

I defined all the SP (Fortigate) and IdP (Keycloak) parameters, as well as the Captive settings.

When validating, I am redirected to the Keycloak SSO login screen, I can authenticate successfully, but when I should be redirected to Fortigate, which would allow navigation, instead, I receive a message: "Firewall Authentication Failed"

In the Fortigate Debug I did not identify any error messages, nor on the Keycloak side

Did I forget something?


I discovered my confusion. It remained to configure the mappers correctly in the scope of the Keycloak client. Login to Captive Portal with an internal user worked perfectly. Now I want to validate the social login with Google provider.


can you please share you config for this setup ?

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