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SSL VPN client icon location

When one updates the Fortinet SSL VPN client, the start menu shortcut is re-created with the icon location pointing to (for example) %SystemRoot%\Installer\{A34DCE59-0004-0000-2148-3F8A9926B752}\FortiSSLVPNclient.ico. Whenever the client is updated the GUID ({A34DCE59-0004-0000-2148-3F8A9926B752}) is changed so the icon is in a different place. This means that, whenever you upgrade, any shortcuts that you have created or pinned by copying the start menu shortcut lose their icon and get the generic Windows icon. Of course, the same icon is stored in FortiSSLVPNclient.exe which never moves, so pointing the shortcut to that icon would never cause a problem. I wonder is somebody somewhere actually once thought that particular icon location was a good idea? I' ve knocked together an AutoIT program that redirects the icon location for shortcuts on the desktop and pinned to the taskbar. But the need for this seems insane to me. IMHO.

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