Hi all!.
I recently downgrade a 80C appliance from 4MR2 to 4MR1.4.
2 days after, ISP change their DNS and Fortiguard web filter fails at this moment.
Investiganing I can see this in system configuration:
Show system dns:
config system dns
set primary
set secondary
That´s OK.
But this not work. Test diagnostic shows:
diagnose test application dnsproxy:
vdom: root, index=0, is master, vdom dns is enabled, mip-
DNS_CACHE: hash-size=2048, ttl=1800, min-ttl=60, max-num=5000
DNS FD: udp_s=8 udp_c=9:10 ha_c=13 unix_s=14, unix_nb_s=15, unix_nc_s=16, v6_udp_s=7, v6_udp_c=11:12
DNS FD: tcp_s=18, tcp_s6=17
FQDN: hash_size=1024, current_query=1024
DNS_DB: response_buf_sz=4096
Here DNS servers are not correct.
¿How can I reconfigure or disable DNS VDOM search?.
Thank you in advance.