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In another post AtiT posted a query for summing bandwidth by subnets. This query does not function for me returning the following error: ERROR: function split_part(inet, unknown, integer) does not exist LINE 1: select * from (SELECT (' 192.168.' ||SPLIT_PART(ip,' .' ,3)||' .0... ^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Does anyone know if the supported functions have changed in 5.2.0? Is there a way to allow the use of SPLIT_PART or is there another equivalent function now available? Cheers, Nathan

Valued Contributor

Hi I do not have FAZ on 5.2 available but probably you need a function to convert the IP address to STRING according to the argument type error. Try the IP address put into the HOST() function like this: select * from (SELECT (' 192.168.' ||SPLIT_PART(HOST(ip),' .' ,3)||' .0... probably other function exist something like ip_str() ?? I saw it somewhere here in some post.


Valued Contributor

I found some functions for IP to String conversion:



split_part is a standard string function. From FAZ5.0.7, ip datatype is changed to inet. We have function ipstr to convert ip to string, then you can other standard string functions like split_part, trim, substring ... for example: split_part(ipstr(`srcip`), ' .' , 3); Regards, hz
New Contributor

Thanks AtiT and hzhao_FTNT for your assistance, I' ve tried a few versions using ipstr but keep coming back with: SELECT (' 10.' ||SPLIT_PART(ipstr(' ip' ),' .' ,2)||SPLIT_PART(ipstr(' ip' ),' .' ,3)||' .0/24' ) AS network ERROR: invalid input syntax for type inet: " ip" LINE 1: select * from (SELECT (' 10.' ||SPLIT_PART(ipstr(' ip' ),' .' ,2)|... I' ve tried ' ip' and ' srcip' with the same result, trying variations using different quotes returns an ERROR indicating the function does not work with TEXT as one would expect. I even tried changing the function to HOST(' ip' ), the function does no exist. I will continue working on it but if you have any suggestions they would be appreciated. Cheers, Nathan
New Contributor

Thanks one again chaps, I have it sorted out now, I began from the inner select and worked outwards. I now have two working data sets that SUM the total bandwidth by class B and class C sub nets for my internal WAN range Total Bandwidth by Class B subnet SELECT (' 10.' ||SPLIT_PART(ipstr(srcip),' .' ,2)||' .0.0/16' ) AS network, SUM(bandwidth) AS bw FROM( SELECT srcip, SUM(COALESCE(sentbyte, 0)+COALESCE(rcvdbyte, 0)) AS bandwidth FROM $log WHERE action IN (' accept' ,' close' ) AND srcintf=' port3' AND NULLIFNA(ipstr(srcip)) IS NOT NULL AND ipstr(srcip) LIKE ' 10.%' GROUP BY srcip HAVING SUM(COALESCE(sentbyte, 0)+COALESCE(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 ORDER BY bandwidth DESC ) t GROUP BY network ORDER BY bw DESC Total Bandwidth by Class C subnet SELECT (' 10.' ||SPLIT_PART(ipstr(srcip),' .' ,2)||' .' ||SPLIT_PART(ipstr(srcip),' .' ,3)||' .0/24' ) AS network, SUM(bandwidth) AS bw FROM( SELECT srcip, SUM(COALESCE(sentbyte, 0)+COALESCE(rcvdbyte, 0)) AS bandwidth FROM $log WHERE action IN (' accept' ,' close' ) AND srcintf=' port3' AND NULLIFNA(ipstr(srcip)) IS NOT NULL AND ipstr(srcip) LIKE ' 10.%' GROUP BY srcip HAVING SUM(COALESCE(sentbyte, 0)+COALESCE(rcvdbyte, 0))>0 ORDER BY bandwidth DESC ) t GROUP BY network ORDER BY bw DESC The primary issues seemed to be in syntax, it did not like using the AS value of ip for srcip, use no ' marks around column names in the filters and the status filter is now action. Hope this helps others. Cheers, Nathan

Hi Nathan, it is good to know your dataset is working now. What I mentioned in my last post is `srcip`, not single quotes ' srcip' . :-) Regards, hz

hzhao_FTNT, I tried every type of quote, tick and mark and only the non enclosed version I ended up with worked. it failed using ' srcip' " srcip" `srcip` Thanks again for your assistance.
Valued Contributor

Hi, I am using everywhere `srcip` the sign ` and is working.


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